Weizen und Sonneblumenöl scheint in der Türkei auch Mangelware zu sein.

Cold War Reloaded - Der neue Ost-West Konflikt
Köstliche Idee Russland isolieren zu wollen - als hätten wir sonst gerade keine grundlegenden Probleme...
Weizen und Sonneblumenöl scheint in der Türkei auch Mangelware zu sein.
Offensichtlich genau wie „uns Werte" da Mangelware sind. Wozu lassen wir die eigentlich in Ruhe die Bergtürken massakrieren, wenn dann sowas dabei rauskommt? ... Ich denke ich bookmarke mir das mal prophylaktisch als Wiedervorlage, wenn dann unsere Werteindustrie, die wir gerade wieder raushauen, an den Bosporus zieht, weil die Rahmenbedingungen da aus unerfindlichen Gründen vorteilhafter sind.
So sieht es aus, wenn ein Feind der Ukraine eliminiert wurde:
Die Seite verlinkt übrigens eine weitere Domain die natocdn.net heißt.
NATO-fanboys. Erinnert mich daran, dass wir aus diesem Verein dringend aussteigen sollten.
Der FSB behauptet den Mord an Dugina gelöst zu haben:
ZitatMOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina has been solved, Russia’s federal security service FSB has said. It was prepared by Ukrainian secret services. The perpetrator - a citizen of Ukraine identified as Natalia Vovk - escaped to Estonia, the FSB’s public relations center stated
Interessanterweise gibt es auch die Behauptung - via einer anonymen Quelle in den russischen Strafverfolgungsbehörden - dass man sicher ist, nur sie war das Ziel, nicht ihr Vater:
ZitatMOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The assassination of Russian journalist Darya Dugina had been thoroughly planned in advance, while her father, public figure Alexander Dugin, was not of interest to the Ukrainian secret services, a source in the Russian law enforcement told TASS.
"Those who plotted the murder of Darya Dugina studied her daily routine and habits. When they set off the explosive device, those who remotely exploded the car were certain that Dugina was alone. Her father was not the killers’ target," the source said.
Offenbar ist der FSB an dieser "Nationalen Republikanischen Armee" nicht interessiert (die ja auch eine ukrainische Erfindung sein könnte.)
Asow: Wir haben nichts damit zu tun.
ZitatThe Azov regiment itself also refutes the statement of the FSB.
Hier: https://t.me/polkazov/4512
ZitatThe National Guard of Ukraine denied the statement of the FSB about the alleged involvement of the Azov Regiment in the murder of the daughter of the ideologue of "Russian World" Oleksandr Dugin Darya.
Die Täterin laut FSB hat wohl eine Asow-Verbindung.
ZitatRussia’s spies misread Ukraine and misled Kremlin as war loomed
In the final days before the invasion of Ukraine, Russia’s security service began sending cryptic instructions to informants in Kyiv. Pack up and get out of the capital, the Kremlin collaborators were told, but leave behind the keys to your homes.
The directions came from senior officers in a unit of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) with a prosaic name — the Department of Operational Information — but an ominous assignment: ensure the decapitation of the Ukrainian government and oversee the installation of a pro-Russian regime.
The messages were a measure of the confidence in that audacious plan. So certain were FSB operatives that they would soon control the levers of power in Kyiv, according to Ukrainian and Western security officials, that they spent the waning days before the war arranging safe houses or accommodations in informants’ apartments and other locations for the planned influx of personnel.
ZitatThe communications exposing these preparations are part of a larger trove of sensitive materials obtained by Ukrainian and other security services and reviewed by The Washington Post. They offer rare insight into the activities of the FSB — a sprawling service that bears enormous responsibility for the failed Russian war plan and the hubris that propelled it.
Zitat“The Russians were wrong by a mile,” said a senior U.S. official with regular access to classified intelligence on Russia and its security services. “They set up an entire war effort to seize strategic objectives that were beyond their means,” the official said. “Russia’s mistake was really fundamental and strategic.”
Ukraine’s security services have an interest in discrediting Russia’s spy agencies, but key details from the trove were corroborated by officials in Western governments.
The files show that the FSB unit responsible for Ukraine surged in size in the months leading up to the war and was counting on support from a vast network of paid agents in Ukraine’s security apparatus. Some complied and sabotaged Ukraine’s defenses, officials said, while others appear to have pocketed their FSB payments but balked at doing the Kremlin’s bidding when the fighting started.
ZitatAdhering to these erroneous assumptions, officials said, the FSB championed a war plan premised on the idea that a lightning assault on Kyiv would topple the government in a matter of days. Zelensky would be dead, captured or in exile, creating a political vacuum for FSB agents to fill.
Instead, FSB operatives who at one point had reached the outskirts of Kyiv had to retreat alongside Russian forces, Ukrainian security officials said. Rather than presiding over the formation of a new government in Kyiv, officials said, the FSB now faces difficult questions in Moscow about what its long history of operations against Ukraine — and the large sums that financed them — accomplished.
ZitatIn 2019, the FSB began a major expansion of its Ukraine unit, a group that grew from 30 officers to as many as 160 last summer, according to Ukrainian officials who cited intercepted communications and other intelligence.
To entice recruits from other branches, the FSB offered bonuses and free housing in buildings adjacent to the FSB training academy on Michurinsky Prospekt in Moscow, officials said. Arriving officers were assigned territories in Ukraine and tasked with developing lists of collaborators to work with, as well as adversaries to neutralize.
[In Ukrainian villages, whispers of collaboration with the Russians]
ZitatUkraine’s SBU — like its Russian counterpart — is a direct descendant of the KGB. It occupies the former KGB headquarters in Kyiv, is organized around the same bureaucratic structure as its Soviet predecessor, and employs an undisclosed number of officers who trained at the KGB academy in Moscow or its FSB successor after the Soviet breakup.
The agencies’ entangled histories bring a hall-of-mirrors aspect to the conflict.
Current and former Ukrainian security officials said fear about the loyalties of even senior personnel is a source of constant anxiety. One official said he reached for his phone on the war’s second day to begin calling subordinates to relay orders. But he hesitated as he dialed, he said, worried that his calls would go unanswered or reveal that senior lieutenants had thrown their support to the Russians.
He was stunned, he said, when those he called not only answered but followed orders with a precision and determination that were rare before the conflict.
“It’s a paradox of the Ukrainian state,” the official said. “It was believed, including by Ukrainians themselves, that there was a high level of corruption, inefficiency and infiltration of Russian agents in the Ukrainian government structures.” But after Feb. 24, he said, “they not only worked but also worked more efficiently than ever.”
ZitatUkraine has made repeated attempts to cleanse its ranks of Russian assets, at one point even enlisting a CIA officer to serve as an internal adviser on rooting out FSB penetrations, according to former U.S. officials. But with an estimated 27,000 employees — making the SBU at least five times as large as MI5, its British equivalent — the agency has struggled to surmount the problem.
ZitatOverall, Ukraine has detained more than 800 people suspected of aiding Russia through reconnaissance or sabotage, according to Ukraine’s Interior Ministry. Authorities have also moved against suspected “agents of influence” in government, parliament and politics.
Zitat“When they began on Feb. 24, the task was to take Kyiv,” said a Ukrainian security official. “They expected it would lead to a domino effect” that would ripple across the country. “They would take first central power and then they would have strengthened presence in regions.”
As part of that plan, Ukrainian officials said, the FSB had lined up at least two pro-Russian governments-in-waiting — not just one as the British government had warned. Ukraine officials said it was unclear why Russia had mobilized two groups, though some speculated that Putin may have simply wanted options.
ZitatRussia’s intelligence breakdowns in Ukraine seem more systemic, its work marred by unreliable sources, disincentives to deliver hard truths to the Kremlin, and an endemic bias that matched Putin’s contemptuous attitude toward the country.
The FSB fueled this dynamic, officials said, with assessments packaged to please the Kremlin and with sources who had their own reasons — political and financial — for encouraging a Russian takedown of the Kyiv government.
Confidential reports by a think tank with close ties to the FSB, the Moscow-based Institute of CIS Countries, prodded Moscow to reassert control over its neighbor. An early 2021 report obtained by The Post said that doing so was the only way to “rid Russia of the eternal threat … posed by the puppet state ready to carry out any order of the enemy forces of the West.”
ZitatOne of the more puzzling aspects of Russia’s miscalculation is that the FSB had received information suggesting that war with Ukraine would not be a walkover.
Recent polls conducted by an organization with close ties to the FSB showed that Putin was deeply unpopular in Ukraine and that the idea that Russian forces would be welcomed was fiction, according to copies obtained by Ukrainian intelligence.
A second poll, conducted in late January just weeks before the war, queried Ukrainians about invasion scenarios in extraordinary detail,
The most salient question appears toward the end of the poll: “Are you ready to defend Ukraine in the event of such a necessity?” Overall, 48 percent answered in the affirmative.
Ukrainian officials said the number should have been interpreted as a sign of resolve, showing that millions of citizens were ready to take up arms against Russia. The FSB, however, may have drawn a different conclusion from the same data, believing that only a minority of Ukrainians were committed to defending their country.
ZitatKherson, the first major city to fall to the Russian army, now offers a chilling glimpse into what life might have been like if Russia had taken Ukraine’s capital.
The city’s mayor, Ihor Kolykhaiev, was arrested in June after repeatedly refusing to cooperate with the Russian occupiers, and his whereabouts are unknown, an aide to the mayor said. He has been replaced by Oleksandr Kobets, a former KGB officer who had also once worked for the SBU.
The former mayor’s aide, Galina Lyashevskaya, said that at least 300 residents were unaccounted for when Kolykhaiev was ousted from his position in April. More recent estimates are at least double that.
"What can get you in trouble for anti-war speech in Russia?":
Hohe Energiepreise - FDP-Politikerin Strack-Zimmermann ruft zu Opferbereitschaft auf
Zitat»Wir müssen Putin und den Diktatoren dieser Welt, die unser demokratisches Leben hassen und zerstören wollen, entschlossen entgegenstehen«, sagte die Verteidigungsexpertin
Hm, ist das am Ende gar keine Kriegspropaganda oder nicht mal Selbsterhöhung, sondern eine Erzählung, die es braucht, um die Diskrepanz zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit zu übertünchen? Wenn uns all diese Bösewichter an den Kragen wollen, dann nur weil dieses System, das wir (minus moi) Demokratie nennen, den Bürgern soviel Macht gibt, dass sie es fürchten müssen.
Titel ist die These des Artikels: "No Matter Who Wins Ukraine, America Has Already Lost"
Wie sieht es aus, wenn "America" verliert?
ZitatThe West's energy sanctions have to an extent backfired, causing inflationary and supply disruptions so severe that Brussels now is struggling to cope with the economic consequences. The EU has even quietly announced steps to ease Russian energy sanctions to help stabilize energy markets. While the West complains that Russia weaponized its oil and gas exports, the reality is that it was Brussels and Washington that first raised the energy sword when they announced their intent to cut back Russian fossil fuel purchases immediately after the Ukraine invasion.
Ach ja richtig, wir spüren die wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen.
ZitatInstead, the U.S. foreign policy establishment must work harder to enable European allies to pick up more, even if not the lion’s share, of the burden on their side of the Eurasian continent.
Die USA haben natürlich gar keine Seite dieses Kontinents.
Mehr Geklapper wegen dem ukrainischen Unabhängigkeitstag morgen, nehme ich an:
ZitatState Department advises U.S. citizens to leave Ukraine now, says Russia is 'stepping up efforts' against civilians.
ZitatEvent: The Department of State has information that Russia is stepping up efforts to launch strikes against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and government facilities in the coming days. Russian strikes in Ukraine pose a continued threat to civilians and civilian infrastructure. The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to depart Ukraine now using privately available ground transportation options if it is safe to do so.
ZitatThe alert marked the first time since the war began in February that the U.S. has specifically warned that civilian and government buildings could be targeted.
Allerdings nachdem ich vor kurzem Gerüchte über eine Stationierung einer großen Zahl von russischen Kampfflugzeugen in der Region Belgorod gehört habe, höre ich jetzt das gleiche über Weißrussland. Deswegen erwarten einige eine große Luftkampagne als nächste Stufe des Krieges.
Allerdings nachdem ich vor kurzem Gerüchte über eine Stationierung einer großen Zahl von russischen Kampfflugzeugen in der Region Belgorod gehört habe, höre ich jetzt das gleiche über Weißrussland. Deswegen erwarten einige eine große Luftkampagne als nächste Stufe des Krieges.
Wäre nicht demnächst das G20-Treffen mit Putin und Zelensky geplant, hätte ich getippt in Kiew wird alles platt gemacht was mit Regierung zu tun hat, egal ob Person oder Immobilien ... aber das wäre wohl ein schlechter Moment.
Andersrum, wie lange will Kiew weiter machen, die Allierten sind fertig mit ihren Lieferungen, die Rahmenbedingungen in US/UK/EU treiben sie ins tiefste Elend, die Ukraine wird immer kleiner und kleiner, kaputter und kaputter, während sie in einer Weltwirtschaftskrise alleine wären.
Irgendetwas wird passieren, dem aktuellen Trend nach wird es sich zum Schlechteren entwickeln.
ZitatBERLIN, Aug 19 (Reuters) - The German economy became more dependent on China in the first half of 2022, with direct investment and its trade deficit reaching new heights, despite political pressure on Berlin to pivot away from Beijing, according to research seen by Reuters.
At the same time, growth in German exports to China weakened significantly, the German Economic Institute (IW) said in its study, citing economists pointing to a trend towards more local production in the Chinese market.
"The German economy is much more dependent on China than the other way round," said Juergen Matthes, who authored the study.
Zitat"Yet despite these dangers and problems, economic interdependencies with China have been moving in the wrong direction at a tremendous pace in the first half of 2022," the economist said.
The study found that German investment in China amounted to around 10 billion euros ($10 billion) between January and June, far exceeding the previous peak half-year value recorded since the turn of the millennium of 6.2 billion euros.
"The Chinese sales market and the profits beckoning there in the short term simply seem too attractive," Matthes said.
China's share of German imports rose to 12.4% in the first half of 2022, compared with 3.4% in 2000, while German imports of Chinese goods surged in value terms by 45.7% year on year during that six-month period, the IW found.
Germany's trade deficit with the country had leapt to almost 41 billion euros by mid-2022, the institute said, adding that the gap was set to widen further.
Man könnte fast auf die Idee kommen, angesichts unserer Interessen stehen wir auf der falschen Seite.
Manchmal habe ich den Eindruck die baltischen Staaten wollen sich gegenseitig unterbieten. Über eine Ansprache des lettischen Präsidenten Levits von heute:
Savukārt negatīvais efekts esot tas, ka parādījusies “viena krievu sabiedrības daļa, kas nav lojāla valstij”, sacīja Levits, norādot: “Mūsu uzdevums ir ar to [sabiedrības daļu] tikt galā un izolēt to no sabiedrības.”
Google Translate:
ZitatAuf der anderen Seite sei der negative Effekt, dass "ein nicht staatstreuer Teil der russischen Gesellschaft" aufgetaucht sei, sagte Levits und betonte: "Unsere Aufgabe ist es, uns mit diesem [Teil der Gesellschaft] auseinanderzusetzen und ihn davon zu isolieren Gesellschaft."
ZitatOn the other hand, the negative effect is that "a section of Russian society that is not loyal to the state" has appeared, said Levits, pointing out: "Our task is to deal with that [section of society] and isolate it from society."
Mit "russische Gesellschaft" ("krievu sabiedrības") ist die russischsprachige Bevölkerung von Lettland gemeint.
(Kritischer Punkt für die Maschinenübersetzung, aber ich habe diese Lesart auch auf Twitter gesehen und dann die Quelle rausgesucht - kann natürlich sein, dass alle nur Übersetzungssoftware verwenden.)
“Mūsu uzdevums ir ar to [sabiedrības daļu] tikt galā un izolēt to no sabiedrības.”
Interessanter Plottwist. Meint er damit eine Art weiteres Kaliningrad? Könnte mir vorstellen, dass eine kleine feine russische Provinz in Lettland etwas Druck vom Kessel nehmen könnte.
Der Großteil ist ja direkt an der Ostgrenze zu Russland/Weißrussland. Braucht man eigentlich nur abtreten ...
gut, und Riga braucht ja eigentlich auch keiner mehr.
Jetzt sag nichts Falsches über Ventspils.
nee, wollte erst noch recherchieren, ob da Bier gebraut wird.
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