Bidens Handlungen/Resultate als POTUS

  • The most union friendly president scheint bei der großen Autobauergewerkschaft nicht ganz so freundlich wahrgenommen zu werden:

    The UAW Is Right to Withhold Its Endorsement of Joe Biden

    The United Auto Workers is refusing to endorse Joe Biden until he commits to backing an electric vehicle transition that creates good union jobs. The union’s new reform leadership is absolutely right to hold Biden’s feet to the fire.

    Auch hier heißt von Europa lernen siegen lernen. Das tolle am US-föderalen System ist, dass die Staaten der vereinigten Staaten bei ihrer Steuer- und Mindestlohngesetzgebung deutlich mehr Spielraum haben um sich für Investoren attraktiv zu machen, als zum Beispiel die Kommunen und Bundesländer im innerdeutschen Standortwettbewerb:

    [...] Meanwhile, as the federal government dumps billions of dollars in subsidies into EV factories, states are tripping over themselves to offer corporate welfare in a desperate plea for jobs. Some of the figures are eye-popping. Tennessee dangled $884 million in subsidies to draw Ford to the state. The Vietnamese EV startup VinFast received $1.2 billion in incentives from North Carolina. Not to be outdone, Georgia gifted a whopping $1.8 billion in tax breaks to Hyundai and $1.5 billion to Rivian.

    Despite receiving such enormous packages, automakers are using the EV transition as an excuse to lay off workers and idle plants. As Fain argued in an op-ed for the Detroit News, “The big lie is that they need these cost savings to finance their EV investments. In fact, auto companies are more profitable now than they have been in decades. In the past decade, the Detroit Three (Ford, GM and Stellantis) alone have made $160 billion in profits.”

    Broader factors inherent to EV production also pose a challenge for the UAW. Assembling battery-powered electric vehicles is less complex and doesn’t include the powertrain required in vehicles with an internal combustion engine. A recent study by the Economic Policy Institute found that the large-scale introduction of electric vehicles could trigger the loss of over 250,000 jobs in automobile assembly and parts production.

    These job losses could be offset by a significant strengthening of industries in the EV supply chain. So far, however, the Biden administration has not indicated it will pony up the massive investment needed to develop the domestic electric vehicle supply chain. Where the investments have come, they’ve been in the form of enormous subsidies to corporations with no labor standards. [...]

    Aber Bidens großer Reformwurf heißt ja nicht umsonst Inflation Reduction Act und nicht etwa Green Transition with Fair Working Conditions and Living Wages Act. Die Inflation bekommt man natürlich am besten in den Griff, wenn der Arbeiterpöbel nicht mehr so viel Geld zum ausgeben hat.

  • Die gute Nachricht ist: bei der amerikanischen Waffenindustrie knallen auch unter the most lesser evil president weiter die Sektkorken:

    Biden Is Selling Weapons to the Majority of the World’s Autocracies

    Despite the White House’s rhetoric about supporting global democracy, the U.S. sold weapons in 2022 to 57 percent of the world’s authoritarian regimes.

    [...] These findings contradict Biden’s preferred framing of international politics as fundamentally a struggle in which the world’s democracies, led by the United States, are on “the side of peace and security,” as he called it in last year’s State of the Union address. Opposing the United States and its democratic allies are the autocracies that collude to undermine the international system, Biden has stated. In a speech in Warsaw last year, he said the battle between democracy and autocracy is one “between liberty and repression” and “between a rules-based international order and one governed by brute force.” The White House’s 2022 National Security Strategy adds, “The most pressing strategic challenge facing our vision is from powers that layer authoritarian governance with a revisionist foreign policy.”

    Despite that rhetoric, a review of the new data suggests instead a business-as-usual approach to weapons sales. Former President Donald Trump based his arms sales policy primarily on economic considerations: corporate interests above all else. In his first foreign trip as president, he traveled to Saudi Arabia and announced a major arms deal with the repressive kingdom. Trump’s business-first approach resulted in a dramatic upturn in weapons sales during his administration.

    In Biden’s first full fiscal year as president, weapons sales from the United States to other countries reached $206 billion, according to the State Department’s annual tally, which uses an opaque but seemingly broader accounting of yearly FMS and DCS figures; Biden’s first-year total surpasses the Trump-era high of $192 billion. The multibillion-dollar effort to train and equip Ukraine doesn’t fully explain the dramatic rise in total arms sales last year, let alone to autocracies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine didn’t occur until five months into fiscal year 2022, and much of the assistance from the United States to Ukraine took the form of grants (not sales) and the transfer of materiel from Pentagon stockpiles through the presidential drawdown authority.

    Rather, the new figures reveal the continuity between Republican and Democratic administrations. While Biden signaled early on that his arms sales policy would be based primarily on strategic and human rights considerations, not just economic interests, he broke from that policy not too long after entering office by approving weapons sales to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and other authoritarian regimes. [...]

    Aber während unter the most greater evil president Trump nur der schnöde Mammon Motiv des wehrhaften Demokratieexportes war, sind es unter Biden immerhin die Menschenrechte, für die sich auf der ganzen Welt mit amerikanischen Waffen gegenseitig über den Haufen geballert wird.



    Riyadh, May 14, 2023, SPA -- The launch of the Saudi mission to space is scheduled for May 21. On this day, Rayyanah Barnawi, the first Arab Muslim female astronaut, and Ali AlQarni, will travel to the International Space Station.

    The mission is part of the Kingdom’s astronauts’ program, which was launched on September 22 last year. The mission represents Saudi Arabia’s ambitions in space research and is part of the goals of Vision 2030.

    The Saudi space mission will launch from the United States and more importantly, marks a historical moment for the Kingdom. The astronauts will conduct 14 pioneering scientific experiments in microgravity that will help scientists and researchers devise new ways to provide suitable conditions for humans to further explore space.

    Ich bin wohl nicht ganz auf aktuellem Stand. Die USA haben wieder einen Transporter zur Internationalen Raumstation.

  • The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is Laying Bare the Lies Both Parties Tell Their Voters

    Democrats want you to believe their commander-in-chief is an ultraprogressive master negotiator. The GOP wants you to believe they’re a newly reborn party of the working class. The never-ending debt ceiling standoff reveals just how absurd both tales are.

  • Biden hatte einige unvorteilhafte Worte für das Alter von Nancy Pelosi übrig:…e-2023-we-are-emily-gala/


    THE PRESIDENT: No, no — with Nancy leading the way, you never had to worry about whether the bill would pass. If she said she had the votes, she had the votes every time. (Applause.)

    And she had to vote so many lifechanging pieces of legislation. She helped rescue the economy in the Great Depression; pass the Affordable Care Act; ended Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. [...]


    (Er meint natürlich die "Great Recession".)

  • Mein Wirt hätte früher gesagt, "Der Deckel ist so langsam voll, bezahl den mal" : )



    Debt Ceiling Deal Would Cap Nonmilitary Spending, Add Welfare Work Requirements, Slash IRS Funds



    Debt Deal Raises Military Spending & OKs WV Pipeline While Introducing New Work Rules for Food Stamps

    President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy are urging lawmakers to support a deal to suspend the debt ceiling until January 1, 2025, in order to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt for the first time in history. The two leaders reached a tentative agreement over the Memorial Day long weekend, but it must still be approved by Congress before a June 5 deadline, when the government is expected to run out of money to pay its bills. Both progressive lawmakers and members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus have expressed some opposition to the deal, which calls for nondefense discretionary spending to remain mostly flat while boosting military spending by about 3%. New work requirements would be established for some recipients of federal aid programs, and it cuts funding to the IRS and lifts a moratorium on student loan payments in place since the pandemic. The deal also speeds up the approval and construction of the proposed $6.6 billion Mountain Valley Pipeline in Virginia and West Virginia. We speak with Lindsay Owens, executive director of the Groundwork Collaborative and a former policy adviser to Senator Elizabeth Warren.



    A Dirty Debt Deal: Biden Blasted for Backing Fast-Track Approval of Mountain Valley Pipeline

    As lawmakers push through the bipartisan deal to raise the debt limit, it is being called a “dirty debt ceiling deal” by opponents because it includes language meant to speed completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The controversial $6.6 billion pipeline would go through Virginia and West Virginia and carry 2 billion cubic feet of fracked gas across more than a thousand streams and wetlands in Appalachia. Over 750 frontline communities and environmental justice organizations oppose its construction, but the project has long had the backing of powerful West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, the biggest recipient of fossil fuel money in Congress. “They can’t build this pipeline and follow the law,” says Maury Johnson, a West Virginian who lives in the path of the massive pipeline and says approval of the deal would show corporations they can simply “throw a bunch of money to politicians” in order to overcome environmental concerns and local opposition




    The president celebrating this bill as a big win — in other words, instead of saying this is something that we had to do — and we can go over whether he actually had to do it. He didn’t have to do this. But instead of saying, “We had to do this. It’s kind of unfortunate,” going out and celebrating this as a big win is an admission about what the Democratic president and the Democratic Party see as a win, and for whom they think they want to secure such victories. It’s all now out on the table. It’s all now there for everybody to see.

    And it’s important to remember that we didn’t have to be at this point. The Democratic Party controlled both houses of Congress in the lame duck and chose not to pass a clean debt ceiling bill. They chose not to. At the time, Senator Dick Durbin from Illinois simply said the party did not feel like making time at the end of the congressional session to do that.

    So, the point being is this is exactly the result that the Democratic Party wanted. They wanted to work with Republicans to get to these exact policies. And now they are celebrating that. So I think we all need to take a moment to say, “OK, this is what the Democratic president and the Democratic Party, working alongside the Republican Party, this is what it actually wants.”


    aside from even having negotiated the deal in the lame duck, when the Democrats were in control, that Biden had this option of the 14th Amendment and didn’t take it.


    Progressive lawmakers had asked the Biden administration to use this power to avert this entire manufactured crisis. And almost as soon as that proposal was floated by those lawmakers, the Biden White House said, no, they’re not even going to pursue it.

    And again, I think you put that together with the fact that they didn’t try to pass a clean debt ceiling bill during the lame-duck session, when Democrats controlled the Congress, and what you see is a picture of a party that wanted this outcome. Overlay it, by the way, with one other layer, with the fact that Joe Biden, throughout his career, has given floor speeches on the floor of the Senate, has made clear that he wants to work with Republicans to cut spending, cut funding for social programs. So I think we have to step back and realize this is a moment of honesty, a moment of clarity, of where at least the leadership of the Democratic Party is when it comes to things like budget austerity.

  • Die Demokraten hätten es schon längst mal darauf ankommen lassen sollen, idealerweise zu Zeiten eines Obersten Gerichtshofes, der das auch garantiert durchgewunken hätte. Insofern ist der Verdacht, ähnlich wie bei der Filibuster-Regel, dass die Partei auf diese Art und Weise erpressbar sein will. Damit sie eine Ausrede hat, rechte politische Forderungen leider akzeptieren zu müssen und linke politische Forderungen leider doch nicht oder nur zurechtgestutzt umsetzen zu können. Denn erstere sind in der Regel kompatibler mit den Interessen ihrer Großspender als letztere.

  • Ja gut. In seinem Alter kann einem schon mal das richtige Wort für "König" entfallen. Oder er wollte mit "Queen-man" einfach ein Statement für die feministische Bewegung setzen.

  • Ich denke bei dem Adrenalin wollte er einfach die Sex Pistols singen. 🤘🏼

    Edit: eine rede zur Verschärfung des Waffengesetzes mit God Save The Queen zu beenden dürfte bei den Hillbillies übrigens - wenn sie sich nicht nur in seine offensichtliche Demenz verbeißen - besonders viel Resonanz verursachen. 😅

  • Ja gut. In seinem Alter kann einem schon mal das richtige Wort für "König" entfallen. Oder er wollte mit "Queen-man" einfach ein Statement für die feministische Bewegung setzen.

    Next Level gendern. Bundeskanzerlinmann Scholz sollte das adaptieren.

  • Bisschen unerwartet eines der republikanisch dominierten Komitees im Repräsentantenhaus stört die Aufrüstung für den Krieg gegen China:…-missile-ukraine-00102531


    Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee are making significant cuts to an ambitious Pentagon goal to ramp up production of missiles as it seeks to arm Ukraine while preparing for a potential conflict with China.

    Appropriators exacted more than $2.5 billion in reductions to sections of their Pentagon spending bill that deal with missile procurement across the military services, according to a draft committee report obtained by POLITICO that includes funding tables to accompany the legislation.

    The shift in funding to other accounts by the influential spending committee is a blow to a major pillar of President Joe Biden’s defense plans laid out in his most recent budget proposal. Billions of dollars worth of weapons poured into Ukraine, forcing military planners to reconsider how it buys munitions to be prepared for another conflict. The result was a first-ever request by the Pentagon for Congress to fund multiyear purchases of munitions in a bid to kick production into high gear to be ready for a future fight.

    Nicht unbedingt, das entgültige Wort in der Sache:


    The move by the committee also sets up a potential fight with other panels in the House and Senate that may side with the Pentagon’s plans. Multiyear purchases of missiles have proved popular on Capitol Hill, where many lawmakers are taking an increasingly hawkish tack toward China and argue the U.S. must produce enough weapons to be ready for a potential conflict over Taiwan before the decade is out.

    Klingt ein bisschen so als hätten sie entdeckt, dass das Pentagon gerne Geld raushaut:


    But appropriators cast doubt on the viability of the ambitious plans for some munitions, saying the Pentagon didn’t show its work to justify betting on the bold plan.

    “The Committee is particularly concerned the Department [of Defense] cannot provide realistic cost estimates and has proceeded with these multiyear procurement requests without a firm understanding of each program’s unit cost and production capacity,” lawmakers wrote in their report.


  • Guck an. Dem liegt sein Land am Herzen : )

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