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    Also das muss ein aktuelles Aufregerthema sein:…schlecht-an-eiern2-761881

    Na is doch relativ aktuell. Die Pressemitteilung vom DGE ist von Anfang März. Hat halt paar Wochen gedauert bis das in den Redaktionen nun angekommen ist.

    Ach schau, da gabs für Ostern nochmal ne neue. Vllt hat die erst so richtig getriggert:…zu-ostern-eier-geniessen/



    Auch wenn die neuen lebensmittelbezogenen Ernährungsempfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V (DGE) nur ein Ei pro Woche, z. B. als Frühstücksei oder Spiegelei beinhalten, können zu Ostern durchaus mehrere Eier verzehrt werden.


    Und neben dem Krieg auch noch für die Umwelt, damit noch mehr Krieg mehr Umwelt kaputt mache kann oder so.…gen-fuer-deutschland-vor/


    Die Ergebnisse bestätigen eindeutig, dass pflanzliche Lebensmittel in unserer Ernährung eine noch größere Rolle spielen sollten. „Wenn wir uns gesund ernähren und gleichzeitig die Umwelt schonen wollen, müssen wir unsere Ernährung jetzt ändern“ [...]


    As Gaza Faces Famine, Israel Cuts Ties with UNRWA and U.S. Halts Funding for Critical Aid Agency

    Despite a U.N.-backed report sounding the alarm on imminent famine in northern Gaza, Israeli authorities announced Sunday they will no longer approve the passage of any UNRWA food convoys into northern Gaza. “Our ability to adequately continue saving lives is really being obstructed,” says UNRWA spokesperson Tamara Alrifai. “What’s going to happen to UNRWA if we can no longer truly operate?” The decision came as President Biden signed a $1.2 trillion appropriations bill that strips funding to UNRWA for the next year. The U.S. first suspended aid to UNRWA in late January, when the Israeli government claimed 12 of the agency’s 30,000 employees were involved in Hamas’s attacks on October 7. The unsubstantiated allegation prompted top donors to cut funding to UNRWA, though many of them have resumed funding as the agency welcomes new donor countries and an unprecedented number of civil society donations. Seeing the U.S., the agency’s largest donor, “withhold funding … is a huge blow to us,” says Alrifai. “Stripping UNRWA of funding not only shrinks its ability to respond to the looming famine in Gaza, but also puts at risk the schools, the access of kids to proper education, the vaccines, the mother and child care — everything across the region.”


    AMY GOODMAN: The decision came as President Biden signed a $1.2 trillion appropriations bill that strips funding to UNRWA for the next year. The U.S. first suspended aid to UNRWA in late January when the Israeli government leveled allegations that 12 of the agency’s 30,000 employees were involved in the Hamas attacks of October 7th. The unsubstantiated allegation prompted other top donors, such as Germany, the European Union and Sweden, to cut funding to UNRWA, although a number of countries have recently announced their intention to resume funding.

    For more, we go to Amman, Jordan, where we’re joined by Tamara Alrifai. She’s spokesperson for the U.N. Palestinian agency, UNRWA.


    Da wird nun sogar was mehr oder weniger positives über Deutschland gesagt. Und die Info hatte ich so auch noch nicht mitbekommen. Wurde das eher so im Stillen und möglichst ohne viel Öffentlichkeit gemacht?


    TAMARA ALRIFAI: Yes, I can talk about a few countries that just over the last few days made their contributions to UNRWA — Germany, for example, which, by the way, had not really suspended its funding. It just took a little bit of a pause to think. And they just announced — Germany just announced $45 million in income to UNRWA just in the last few days. The same, Canada, Australia, Sweden and a number of other countries that had initially withheld their funding to UNRWA following these allegations around 12 of 13,000 staff members in Gaza, now are releasing their funding.

    But I also want to talk about the role of Ireland or Spain, both of them having much increased their funding to UNRWA and also their political support. The European Union, our second-largest donor as a group, did release the large part of its funding to UNRWA. And also, countries like Qatar, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and, just today, Kuwait, all of them are supporting UNRWA. And again, income from private sources, from individuals and foundations, has skyrocketed since the beginning of this year, especially now during Ramadan, where many Muslims around the world are looking for a zakat-friendly way, so a way to donate as per Islamic Sharia law. We have this mechanism, and many, many Muslims from around the world, from Malaysia to Indonesia to Singapore, are donating to UNRWA.


    Wo liest du da raus, dass da keine militärische Versorgung drüber geht?


    World Ignores Sudan Hunger Crisis; 230,000 Children and Mothers Could Die in Coming Months

    Sudan is on track to become the world’s worst hunger crisis, according to the United Nations. For over a year, fighting between the Sudanese military and the rival Rapid Support Forces has disrupted the country, displacing over 8 million people who experience extreme hunger in the areas with the most intense fighting. The increasing demand comes as the U.N.'s appeal for $2.7 billion for Sudan is less than 5% funded. Funding is also drying up in Chad, where some 1.2 million Sudanese have taken refuge. “This is the largest sort of mass mortality crisis that we are facing in the world and the largest that we have probably faced for many decades,” says Alex de Waal, the author of Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine, who laments the “shocking” cuts to the World Food Programme that is essential to the global emergency response system. “If it doesn't work, we are going to find ourselves facing the kinds of crises of mass mortality that we have simply not seen for half a century or longer.”

    EDEM WOSORNU: Malnutrition is soaring to alarming levels and is already claiming children’s lives. A recent MSF report revealed that one child is dying every two hours in Zamzam camp in El Fasher, North Darfur. Our humanitarian partners estimate that in the coming weeks and months somewhere in the region of around 222,000 children could die from malnutrition. And with the estimated — WHO estimates that more than 70% of health facilities are not functional.

    AMY GOODMAN: The conflict between the Sudanese military and the rival Rapid Support Forces, or RSF, erupted nearly a year ago, on April 15, 2023. It’s displaced over 8 million people. Around 90% of the population facing emergency levels of food insecurity in Sudan are in Khartoum, Darfur and Kordofan, areas which have seen some of the most intense fighting. But the U.N.’s appeal for $2.7 billion for Sudan is less than 5% funded. Aid is also drying up in Chad, where some 1.2 million Sudanese have taken refuge. The war has also led to many reports of armed forces using rape and sexual violence as a weapon. And some 19 million children have been deprived of school.



    ALEX DE WAAL: Sudan is a different kind of food crisis and famine compared to Gaza. This is one of enormous magnitude. The sheer numbers that are afflicted are hard to grapple with. Sudan is a country of almost 50 million people. Half of them are in emergency situation now. You said earlier reliant on food aid. Frankly, unfortunately, the food aid is not there. Even as we speak, the World Food Programme, which is the largest food aid producer, is cutting its budget, is cutting its staff by 30%, because it’s not getting the money it needs. It’s not a perfect system by any means, but it’s the only system that we’ve got.


    JILL LAWLER: The numbers of acutely malnourished children are rising, and the lean season hasn’t even begun. Nearly 3.7 million children are projected to be acutely malnourished this year in Sudan, including 730,000 who need lifesaving treatment. The needs for children in Khartoum alone are massive. But this is also true in Darfur, where I was last month on a cross-border mission through Chad. The scale and magnitude of needs for children across the country are simply staggering. Sudan is now the world’s largest displacement crisis. And some of the most vulnerable children are in the hardest-to-reach places.

    AMY GOODMAN: So, how is this remedied, Alex de Waal? Again, nearly 230,000 children, pregnant mothers and new mothers could die, it’s being predicted, in the next months due to hunger.

    ALEX DE WAAL: Indeed, this is the largest sort of mass mortality crisis that we are facing in the world, and the largest that we have probably faced for many decades, certainly the largest since I started working on this topic 40 years ago at the time of the Ethiopian and Sudanese famines, that many will remember from the Live Aid concerts.



    AMY GOODMAN: And, in fact, the World Food Programme — you know, we were talking about Gaza. We were talking about the massive cuts to UNRWA. The World Food Programme of the United Nations has also massive cuts.


    In meiner Nähe stirbt alles pflanzliche Leben - muß die Aura sein : )

    Aber ich kenne auch noch das anbauen im eigenen Garten, die Bergmannshäuser hatten auch alle gemauerte Ställe im Hof (Tauben, Hasen, Hühner usw).

    schon ne Leistung, erste Antwort in nem neuen Thread direkt offtopic 👍

    Okay, warum wird die Reihenfolge von Gelegenheit, Mittel, Motiv jeweils geändert? Und so gering werden die Möglichkeiten der USA mittlerweile eingeschätzt, dass die nichtmal ein Fragezeichen für Mittel bekommen?

    Erstes Sortierkriterium ist das Kästchen, dann alphabetisch.

    "Höchste Zeit das zu ändern, mit einem Deepdive in die Geschichte der Sudans, die Wurzeln und vorlaufenden Faktoren des Konfliktes und die Frage, warum ist der internationalen Gemeinschaft bisher nicht gelungen die Gewalt zu beenden, geschweige denn nur größeres Interesse für die Situation aufzubringen?"

    Da werden halt nicht die europäischen Werte verteidigt, so, who cares...

    Ja stimmt leider. Trifft ja irgendwie sogar auf hier und das Thema zu..

    Aber glaubst du, dass die Ukrainer sehen das selbst so oder verlassen sich darauf?

    Gabs da nich was von wegen, dass er ne Zusage bekommen hatte nicht auf der Zielliste zu stehen?

    Abgesehen davon sollte man doch davon ausgehen, dass wenn er wirklich ein Ziel sein sollte es entsprechend gezielten Beschuss geben müsste. Ich glaube ehrlich gesagt nicht, dass sein Aufenthaltsort so durchweg geheim gehalten werden kann bzw es auch nicht versucht wird. Dazu gibts ja doch oft genug eigenes Bildmaterial was veröffentlicht wird.

    Ich glaub sogar ehrlich gesagt eher, dass direkte Angriffe eher der Ukraine für die eigene Propaganda helfen würden. Kann mir sogar vorstellen, dass sowas unter einem nicht kleinen Teil der Regierungschefs der Welt als nicht so gut angesehen werden würde.