
  • man soll ja kürzlich Verstorbenen nicht schlecht nachreden...

    ...aber die Idee des Anthroposophen, Drogeriemagnaten und Multimilliardärs G. Werner war, das BGE komplett aus einer dazu ordentlich erhöhten Mehrwertsteuer zu finanzieren und dafür dann alle Unternehmenssteuern abzuschaffen.

  • Moderna Stock Crash

    Shares of Moderna plummeted Monday as Covid-19 vaccine-makers led a turbulent market decline, pushing the stock to its lowest level in nearly a year after disappointing study results and a slew of sales from the firm's top executives added to concerns that have made one of last year's top-performing stocks crash more than 70%.

    Happy Go Lucky!

  • “it’s easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism”

    [...] That slogan captures precisely what I mean by 'capitalist realism': the widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it.

    Once, dystopian films and novels were exercises in such acts of imagination - the disasters they depicted acting as narrative pretext for the emergence of different ways of living.

    Not so in Children of Men. The world that it projects seems more like an extrapolation or exacerbation of ours than an alternative to it. In its world, as in ours, ultra-authoritarianism and Capital are by no means incompatible: internment camps and franchise coffee bars co-exist. In Children of Men, public space is abandoned, given over to uncollected garbage and stalking animals (one especially resonant scene takes place inside a derelict school, through which a deer runs).

    Neoliberals, the capitalist realists par excellence, have celebrated the destruction of public space but, contrary to their official hopes, there is no withering away of the state in Children of Men, only a stripping back of the state to its core military and police functions (I say 'official' hopes since neoliberalism surreptitiously relied on the state even while it has ideologically excoriated it. This was made spectacularly clear during the banking crisis of 2008, when, at the invitation of neoliberal ideologues, the state rushed in to shore up the banking system.)

    The catastrophe in Children of Men is neither waiting down the road, nor has it already happened. Rather, it is being lived through. There is no punctual moment of disaster; the world doesn't end with a bang, it winks out, unravels, gradually falls apart. What caused the catastrophe to occur, who knows; its cause lies long in the past, so absolutely detached from the present as to seem like the caprice of a malign being: a negative miracle, a malediction which no penitence can ameliorate. Such a blight can only be eased by an intervention that can no more be anticipated than was the onset of the curse in the first place. Action is pointless; only senseless hope makes sense. Superstition and religion, the first resorts of the helpless, proliferate.[...]

    The fate of Picasso's Guernica in the film - once a howl of anguish and outrage against Fascist atrocities, now a wall-hanging - is exemplary. Like its Battersea hanging space in the film, the painting is accorded 'iconic' status only when it is deprived of any possible function or context. No cultural object can retain its power when there are no longer new eyes to see it.

    We do not need to wait for Children of Men's near-future to arrive to see this transformation of culture into museum pieces. The power of capitalist realism derives in part from the way that capitalism subsumes and consumes all of previous history: one effect of its 'system of equivalence' which can assign all cultural objects, whether they are religious iconography, pornography, or Das Kapital, a monetary value.

    Walk around the British Museum, where you see objects torn from their lifeworlds and assembled as if on the deck of some Predator spacecraft, and you have a powerful image of this process at work.

    In the conversion of practices and rituals into merely aesthetic objects, the beliefs of previous cultures are objectively ironized, transformed into artifacts. Capitalist realism is therefore not a particular type of realism; it is more like realism in itself. As Marx and Engels themselves observed in The Communist Manifesto,

    "[Capital] has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation."

    Capitalism is what is left when beliefs have collapsed at the level of ritual or symbolic elaboration, and all that is left is the consumer-spectator, trudging through the ruins and the relics.[...]


    Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism, 2009, S. 6 - 8 (->PDF)

  • Die nächste (finale) Evolutionsstufe unseres Selbstverwirklichungssystems wird dann nur noch die Streichung der Homeless-Übergangs-Phase sein (zu ineffizient, sorry).

    Wer diese egoistische, Ressourcen-bindende Belastung für die Community nicht einsehen will in der demnächst-Showdown-Welt der Privatstädte oder Frank Thelens schimmenden Inseln, der darf dann gerne seinen Egoismus draussen vor den Toren ausleben.

    Leiste was dann biste was. :)

  • Gerade noch was über die Stahlbarone in der Frühindustrialisierung gesehen, die haben selbst Wohnungen und Krankenhäuser für Arbeiter gebaut ... komisch, damals konnte man das noch, heute ist außer Space-Selfies vom Boss nichts mehr zu haben : )

    Wer günstig leben will, muss dreimal täglich beten

    Jakob Fugger, genannt „der Reiche“, begann vor 500 Jahren den Bau von Wohnungen für Arme. Im Kern seines Engagements stand nicht der Mietzins, sondern sein Seelenheil und das seiner Angehörigen.

  • Gerade noch was über die Stahlbarone in der Frühindustrialisierung gesehen, die haben selbst Wohnungen und Krankenhäuser für Arbeiter gebaut ... komisch, damals konnte man

    Wenn ich als Linker mit Konservativen alter Schule spreche spüre ich, dass man da durchaus immer mal wieder unter dem Aspekt "Gemeinwohl" Konsenz finden kann, für beide Seiten durchaus überraschend. Da galt "wertekonservativ" auch durchaus wirklich noch diesen ominösen christlichen Werten.

    Etwas, das mittlerweile komplett aus der gesellschaflichen Wahrnehmung getilgt wurde: Das wir alle in dem gleichen Boot sitzen. Und wenn dieses kentert, weil eine Gruppe das Gleichgewicht verliert, dann saufen alle gemeinsam ab.

  • Gerade noch was über die Stahlbarone in der Frühindustrialisierung gesehen, die haben selbst Wohnungen und Krankenhäuser für Arbeiter gebaut ... komisch, damals konnte man das noch, heute ist außer Space-Selfies vom Boss nichts mehr zu haben : )

    Jap. Da hat man dann bei einem Streik nicht nur seinen Arbeitsplatz verloren, sondern gleich noch die Wohnung ;)

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