Es hat hat Slava dingsbums geschrieben
Das ist ja der Witz.
Es hat hat Slava dingsbums geschrieben
Das ist ja der Witz.
Ja, das ist pure Eitelkeit und Geltungsdrang gepaart mit Ignoranz. Wer ist der Lutscher? Muss man den kennen?
Wer ist der Lutscher? Muss man den kennen?
Mouatasem Alrifai | معتصم الرفاعي
Mitglied des Nürnberger Rates für Integration und Zuwanderung @Nuernberg_de Menschenrechtsaktivist Ambassador @GermanDream_de
Keine Ahnung ob man den kennen muss, aber die Qualiätsredakteure des ZDF hat das offensichtlich auch nicht interessiert, als sie ihre staatstragende Huldigung für ihren kritischen Bericht über den Kanzler zusammengeschnippelt haben.
Keine Ahnung ob man den kennen muss, aber die Qualiätsredakteure des ZDF hat das offensichtlich auch nicht interessiert, als sie ihre staatstragende Huldigung ihren kritischen Bericht für den Kanzler zusammengeschippelt haben.
Ja, blöd gelaufen. Seinen viralen Moment hatte er sicher ganz anders geplant. 😅…ndaram_conflict_reporting
Zitat“World’s Deadliest Wars Go Unreported”: Journalist Anjan Sundaram
The acclaimed war correspondent Anjan Sundaram joins us to discuss the state of conflict reporting and why some of the world’s deadliest wars go unreported. We cover conflict in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, as well as the future of the international media economy. Due in part to the lingering “colonial” structure of global media, Sundaram says, “these enormous wars, some of the biggest in our world today — and some of the greatest since World War II — are still relatively underreported in the international news.”
ZitatAlles anzeigenAMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh.
We turn now to look at why some of the world’s deadliest wars go unreported. That’s the headline of a recent piece by the acclaimed Indian war correspondent Anjan Sundaram. He writes, quote, “Despite the world’s technological advances, conflicts like the one in [the Central African Republic] are still shrouded in darkness, and we often don’t know the perpetrators, who is attacked, or why.
“The neglect of such war zones is the consequence of an international news system still structured by colonial relationships. Foreign correspondents fly out from global capitals such as Washington, D.C., and London, more or less to similar places at similar times, to tell us more or less the same stories.”
That’s Anjan Sundaram reporting in Foreign Policy, joining us now from Mexico City. He recently published his third memoir about life as a war correspondent, titled Breakup: A Marriage in Wartime. His recent opinion piece published on the front page of The New York Times about the Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who he calls the West’s most beloved dictator, is headlined “Reducing Rwanda to Tyranny.”
Anjan, thanks so much for joining us today. If you can lay out that piece that you just wrote, “Why the World’s Deadliest Wars Go Unreported”? Why?
Even as we receive round-the-clock news from the war in Ukraine, with dozens of international reporters rotating through the country, journalists are still unable to cover much of our world. The dead haven’t been counted in the conflict in CAR. The war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the world’s deadliest since World War II, makes the front pages of newspapers briefly, only when violence explodes. In Latin America, hundreds of environmental activists have been killed while bravely defending precious forests, mountains, and rivers, and many of their deaths are just a footnote in the news. The reasons are timeless: a lack of interest in places deemed faraway, and in violence against people seen as unlike us. We don’t grieve as much for some people as others.
Another problem is that news from places such as CAR and Congo often needs to travel to London or New York before it reaches countries such as Nigeria and India. This means that much of international news is filtered through a Western lens or neglected altogether. A lack of international news outlets in the global south has led to great gaps in coverage—even when millions of people die in the world’s deadliest wars.[...]
ZitatThe neglect of such war zones is the consequence of an international news system still structured by colonial relationships. Foreign correspondents fly out from global capitals such as Washington, D.C., and London, more or less to similar places at similar times, to tell us more or less the same stories. Local journalists and stringers struggle to sell their vital news reports, as I did in CAR and Congo, where I started my career as a reporter in 2005. Often, a foreign correspondent is parachuted in, at great expense, to “illuminate” a conflict and render it important to a Western audience. The news, still relying on celebrity reporters, suffers in quality and breadth of coverage.
The American philosopher Judith Butler has written that news media depict some wars as less worthy of grief—and outrage—than others. In certain places, entire populations have been destroyed, but, she writes, “there is no great sense that a heinous act and egregious loss have taken place.” Sporadic parachute journalism embodies the global inequalities cited by Butler. It exacerbates and institutionalizes the neglect of remote conflicts and deepens the challenge of covering distant deaths.[...]…m_on_covering_deadly_wars
ZitatAnjan Sundaram on Covering Africa: From Rwanda to the Devastating War in DRC to Rise of U.S. AFRICOM
In Part 2 of our interview with Anjan Sundaram, award-winning journalist and author, we discuss in detail his new piece in Foreign Policy, “Why the World’s Deadliest Wars Go Unreported,” and his New York Times opinion piece on Rwandan President Paul Kagame, “He’s a Brutal Dictator, and One of the West’s Best Friends.” He joins us from Mexico City, where he moved two years ago to report on the threats faced by environmental defenders.
ZitatAlles anzeigenEastern Congo is very, very rich in minerals. [...] So, the Rwandan government is supporting rebels in eastern Congo that are [...] securing mineral resources, that are securing land and territory. And this is [...] trying to get riches and mineral wealth out of Congo for export to the world.
[...] the lesson to take away here is that though Congo and Rwanda seem far away, the war in the Congo and [...] Rwanda’s dictatorship, we are complicit, through our economic ties, to what is happening in that region. And my New York Times piece was pointing out that even though Kagame has been linked and credibly accused of serious war crimes — U.N. researchers have accused him of possible acts of genocide in Congo in the aftermath of Rwanda’s genocide — despite all these accusations and credible evidence, he remains one of the West’s best friends.
[...] 70% of Rwanda’s budget is financed by Western aid, which is incredible. [...] Western companies, the national — the NBA is playing basketball in Rwanda. We just spoke about this briefly [...] artificial intelligence conferences and other conferences are being held in Rwanda. Rwanda is seen as a beacon of the future [...] as a country making enormous progress. But we should remember that [...] Rwanda, prior to the genocide, was also similarly praised for peace, for its modernity. And it was also a dictatorship, as it is now.
ZitatAlles anzeigenWhen I mentioned [...] Congo supplying rubber for the automobile revolution, there are accounts of [...] maybe millions of Congolese being killed under brutal Belgian colonial rule. And Congolese had their hands chopped off if they didn’t collect enough rubber. And this was to provide [...] tires for European and [...] the Global North for the new cars that were all the rage back then.
And I guess one important moment in Congo’s history was during its independence in 1960. And back then, there was the electrical revolution, and Congo lies on one of the world’s richest copper belts in the south of the country. And Belgium tried to get the south of Congo to secede, to break away from Congo.
And so, it’s led to incredible, incredible bloodshed and sort of conflict in the past.
And now [...] cobalt [...] It’s used by military [...] But it’s also used in very mundane things [...] like lithium batteries. And so, suddenly, Congo’s reserves of cobalt have become essential to many of us in the Global North who are trying to do the right thing by buying electrical vehicles and trying to decarbonize our economies, when, in reality, that demand for cobalt is further fomenting conflict in the Congo. [...] I’ve been to some of these mines in eastern Congo, where I’ve walked by graveyards of children who have worked in these mines, who have collapsed in the forests from exhaustion [...]
And [...] that process continues until these minerals reach the Global North.
by creating this demand, we are further enhancing the conflict and also further creating demand for these very, very poor working conditions
Zitatthe DRC is extremely impoverished [...] in part because [...] the complicity of multilateral financial institutions like the World Bank and the IMF and the U.S., despite the fact that Congo has untapped mineral reserves, apart from the ones that have already been extracted, of something like $25 trillion [...]
Zitatthe numbers are staggering, $25 trillion worth of untapped mineral resources, two-thirds of the world’s known reserves of coltan, which is columbite-tantalum, which is used in capacitors that power — that power and run our cellphones. The scale of the mineral wealth in Congo is truly staggering.
[...] the Congolese government has never really been able to shake off these geopolitical forces, Western forces, but Western forces also through Rwanda[...]. President Paul Kagame was trained at Fort Leavenworth. When he took over Rwanda and then invaded Congo, his rebel forces were supplied weapons by the U.S. government. [...] the U.S. government has a very powerful African Command called AFRICOM. The CIA listening station has reportedly moved from one dictator, Mobutu in Congo, to now Paul Kagame, another dictator, in Rwanda. So, the West and the U.S. exercises control over this region, exercises control over its mineral interests and economic interests, through these military establishments and through puppet dictators like Paul Kagame, who are financed primarily by the West and further American interests. And we see this — I mean, this is not just speculation. We’ve seen it been reported by U.S. diplomats in the WikiLeaks leaks of U.S. diplomatic cables, which very clearly emphasize that U.S. foreign policy and aid policy in Central Africa is tied to U.S. economic interests and its hold and its desire for Congolese minerals.
ZitatAnd I think to understand this, a concept called ubwenge is very interesting and important. It’s an art form in Rwanda, practiced traditionally by the elite, of rhetoric and of providing information and building social relationships in a way that is pragmatic [...] Kagame [...] used it to achieve this extraordinary feat of convincing Britain to send asylum seekers, people who are fleeing dictatorships and wars, as in Syria, for example, who are seeking refuge in the U.K. [...] to send those people to his dictatorship, which is really remarkable.
And it shows [...] the depth of his relationships with the West, and also the West’s reliance on Kagame. Kagame has offered in return to send Rwandan troops across the African continent to wars that the West doesn’t want to send their own troops to. And in this way, he proves himself useful to Western nations. And in return, he’s been able to market Rwanda as a safe place, as a place where people who are fleeing dictatorships can find refuge, when, in reality, many, many Rwandans have fled Rwanda because of his own dictatorship and are now living abroad, not only in fear of going back home, but in fear of Kagame’s security forces in the U.S., in the U.K. I know someone in the U.K. who received a letter from Scotland Yard saying his life was in imminent danger from Rwanda, and Scotland Yard could not protect him, and he should take the necessary measures.
ZitatAlles anzeigenSo, AFRICOM is [...] the United States’ military command that governs Africa. They have bases all across the African continent, and, as well, in Germany and Europe. [...] the U.S. government will have its own [...] explanation of what AFRICOM does, and it’s training African forces, providing military support, assistance, even military equipment to African nations.
But I think what the WikiLeaks cables really reveal is that AFRICOM is a very important part of Africa — of the U.S., of U.S. economic and military strategy to secure the resources it needs from places like eastern Congo. And what AFRICOM does is provide military training and support to places, countries like Rwanda and Uganda, Congo’s other neighbor to the north of Rwanda, that are complicit in extracting mineral sources and exporting them to global markets for use in the Global North.
And this is [...] one of the reasons Congo’s war has been perpetrated so long. I think many of us, at a psychological level, don’t want to — we don’t want to look at our own flaws. And in the same way, we don’t want to look at places like Congo, which are an integral part of our economic system and supply chains around the world that produce cars, batteries for electrical vehicles, cellular telephones, computers, many of the things we rely on. And so, to look at places like Congo and to understand the role that the U.S. government and AFRICOM plays in that region would be — would incur a great cost to us to reshape our supply chains, provide dignified jobs in places like Congo, where children aren’t dying, you know, from exhaustion in the forests from carrying the minerals that we need for our — for progress. That would come at a great cost. And that cost prevents us, many of us, from looking at places like Congo and Rwanda and the geopolitical situation there, and taking the necessary measures in order to change the situation there so that people can live, you know, in better conditions and lead dignified lives. And I think this speaks to a relationship between the West and places like Congo, that have been structured by colonialism for too long, and that colonialism continues today.
And the reason Africa and China — as we spoke about earlier in our conversation, the reason African nations are turning to Russia and China, even though those relationships are not necessarily that much better, is because many African nations and many former colonies are tired of the crimes that the West has perpetrated in Africa, crimes for which the West has not apologized, has not paid any reparations for. One recent example is that, you know, French peacekeepers in the Central African Republic were credibly accused of running child prostitution rings in that country, exchanging food for sex, when really they were supposed to be protecting the local population. The U.N. whistleblower who revealed the details about this child prostitution ring was forced to resign. He first lost his job, was reinstated and then forced to resign. And no senior French officials have been held responsible, political or military officials, have been held responsible for perpetrating these crimes on Central African young girls.
And so, what does that say about the West’s relationships with these countries?
And we’re really heading towards a multipolar world because of a fatigue and resentment for the West’s past crimes in these regions.
Die künftigen Generationen haben wieder echte #Werte:
Dass mal "die Hand ausrutscht"? 33 Prozent der jungen Männer finden das laut einer Studie "akzeptabel". Auch die Ergebnisse zu Rollenbild und Homosexualität "erschrecken" Experten.
In Deutschland sorgen traditionelle Rollenbilder bei jungen Männern teils für eine hohe Akzeptanz von Gewalt in der Partnerschaft. Das geht aus einer bundesweit repräsentativen Studie der Organisation Plan International Deutschland hervor, die den Funke-Zeitungen vorliegt.
33 Prozent der befragten Männer im Alter von 18 bis 35 Jahren gaben demnach an, es "akzeptabel" zu finden, wenn ihnen im Streit mit der Partnerin gelegentlich "die Hand ausrutscht". 34 Prozent seien gegenüber Frauen schon mal handgreiflich geworden, um ihnen Respekt einzuflößen, heißt es weiter. [...]
Überdies äußerten die Befragten demzufolge eine hohe Abneigung gegen das öffentliche Zeigen von Homosexualität. 48 Prozent gaben an, dass sie sich davon "gestört" fühlen.
Aus der Studie geht den Funke-Zeitungen zufolge auch hervor, dass das Bild der traditionellen "Hausfrau" in den Köpfen vieler Männer verankert zu sein scheint: 52 Prozent der Befragten sähen ihre Rolle darin, genug Geld zu verdienen - sodass sich die Frau hauptsächlich um den Haushalt kümmern könne. Jeder zweite junge Mann möchte laut den Daten keine Beziehung mit einer Frau eingehen, wenn diese bereits viele Sexualpartner gehabt hat.[...]
Andrew Tate wirkt
Europäische Grenzen Werte werden auch in Nordafrika verteidigt. Die beiden MusterdemokratInnen Uschi und Schorschi sind mit dem Geldkoffer unterwegs.
EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hat Tunesien umfangreiche Finanzhilfen in Aussicht gestellt. Auch sollen die Partnerschaft verstärkt und ein Abkommen zur Begrenzung der Migration vereinbart werden.
Alles anzeigen
Bei Verhandlungen zwischen der EU und Tunesien hat EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen dem nordafrikanischen Land 900 Millionen Euro Hilfsgelder in Aussicht gestellt. Diese könnten verfügbar gemacht werden, sobald ein Abkommen mit dem Land geschlossen werde, sagte sie.
Von der Leyen war gemeinsam mit Italiens Regierungschefin Giorgia Meloni und dem niederländischen Ministerpräsidenten Mark Rutte nach Tunesien gereist. Das Land, das in einer tiefen Wirtschaftskrise steckt, ist für die EU ein wichtiger Partner in der Migrationsabwehr.
Den Plänen nach könne die EU Tunesien zusätzlich sofort 150 Millionen Euro Budgethilfe bereitstellen, sagte von der Leyen. Sie bezeichnete den Besuch als "einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der Beziehung“ zu Tunesien. Meloni zufolge könnte das geplante Memorandum noch vor der Sitzung des Europäischen Rates Ende des Monats fertiggestellt werden.
Neben der finanziellen Unterstützung seien unter anderem eine Modernisierung des Handelsabkommens der EU mit Tunesien, eine Partnerschaft im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien und Migrationsthemen besprochen worden, sagte von der Leyen. Beide Seiten hätten großes Interesse, das "zynische Geschäftsmodell von Schmugglern und Menschenhändlern zu brechen". Man arbeite zusammen an einer "operativen Partnerschaft zur Bekämpfung des Menschenschmuggels".
Die EU werde Tunesien dieses Jahr 100 Millionen Euro für Grenzmanagement und Such- und Rettungsaktionen zur Verfügung stellen.[...]
Zum Glück gab es in Tunesien einen arabischen Frühling, der dem Land Freiheit und Demokratie gebracht hat. Da ist das Geld gut angelegt.
Tunesiens Präsident Saied regiert zunehmend autoritär und hetzt gegen Migranten. Die Bevölkerung, die einst den Arabischen Frühling auslöste, reagiert lethargisch, denn sie hat ganz elementare Nöte.
[...] Die Politik hat offenbar keinen Plan, wie die Wirtschaft aus dem Tief kommt. Präsident Kais Saied ist stattdessen damit beschäftigt, seine Macht auszubauen. 2022 löste er das Parlament auf und schränkte dessen Rechte ein.
Den Ausbau seiner eigenen Macht ließ er sich vom Volk per Verfassungsreferendum absegnen. Im Dezember wurde das entmachtete Parlament neu gewählt, mit einer Wahlbeteiligung von gerade mal elf Prozent. Deutlicher kann ein Volk seine Politikverdrossenheit kaum zeigen.
Seit Februar gibt es eine Verhaftungswelle: Diverse Regierungskritiker und Journalisten sitzen mittlerweile in Haft, ebenso der Chef der größten Oppositionspartei.
Was heißt all das für den Zustand der tunesischen Demokratie? Der Politologe Hammadi befindet, der Staat werde immer autoritärer und schränke die Freiheiten immer mehr ein: "Wir sehen den Anfang einer Art repressiven Welle, die immer wieder neue Gruppen trifft." Erst seien es die Politiker gewesen, danach die Journalisten. "Ich habe keine Ahnung, wer als nächstes dran ist", so Hammadi.
Menschen, die aus Ländern südlich der Sahara kommen und in Tunesien leben, sind derzeit nicht gut auf den Präsidenten zu sprechen. Im Februar hatte Saied in einer Rede von "Horden illegaler Migranten" gesprochen. Die Rede schlägt bis heute Wellen.[...]
Leider ist das tunesische Volk ein bisschen müde vor lauter Demokratie und Freiheit und denkt nur an das eigene Wohlergehen. Da ist es nur konsequent, wenn die EU der Regierung ein bisschen finanzielle Hilfe bei der demokratischen Willensbildung leistet.
Es spricht die Bürgerliche Mitte.
Mir red'n hier vom bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten. Bissl mehr Respekt bitte.…-wegen-verlassen-31062781
jaja, die bürgerliche mitte, die von den grünen in die armut getrieben werden begehrt da auf.
Herr Lanz versteht offensichtlich nicht, wie Politiker funktionieren:
Herr Lanz versteht offensichtlich nicht, wie Politiker funktionieren:
Er nimmt auch niemanden argumentativ auseinander, wenn er nur rhetorische Fragen stellt. Argumentativ pflichtet Lanz wie kein zweiter der FDP schon seit Jahrzehnten bei.
Argumentativ pflichtet Lanz wie kein zweiter der FDP schon seit Jahrzehnten bei.
Allerdings nur, wenn er es sich irgendwie zurecht rationalisieren moralisieren kann. Dem Bürger ein X für ein U vormachen, das geht gar nicht. Da hört die Freiheit auf!
Lobbyland Podcast – Folge 33 – Parteien, Pinunsen und Proteste
ZitatIn einer Parteiendemokratie vereinnahmen die Parteien den Großteil der politischen Macht. Aber wie werden Parteien geschmiert, sorry finanziert? Woher bekommen sie ihr Geld und wie problematisch und transparent ist das?
Diesen Fragen gehen wir im aktuellen Podcast nach. Zu Beginn gibt es noch einen Schwenk zur Gewaltenteilung - zur Debatte über die Letzte Generation. Diesmal mit Käthe und Marco
-----Lobbyland - Demokratie statt Lobbyrepublik! Initiative. Buch. Podcast.
Auch die Jugend muss lernen, wie die wehrhafte Demokratie gegen das eigene Volk zu verteidigen ist:
Auch die Jugend muss lernen, wie die wehrhafte Demokratie gegen das eigene Volk zu verteidigen ist:
Demokratie is halt auch wie eine Ehe. Also quasi Krieg. 😅
Demokratie is halt auch wie eine Ehe. Also quasi Krieg. 😅
Also ich lebe glücklich in meiner Autokratie
Also ich lebe glücklich in meiner Autokratie
Lass das nicht die Florence hören.
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