Mein Lieblingsthread aus “alter“ Zeit, wo sich alle immerzu lieb hatten - . Musikempfehlungen, bitte hier!

Life is Music (Thema geklaut von LyS)
Hat den Titel des Themas von „Life is Music (Thema geklaut von Lys)“ zu „Life is Music (Thema geklaut von LyS)“ geändert. -
We are one, the infinite sun!
Mal was aus der Kategorie "hab ich noch nie von gehört, nett!":
Ich finde, die übertriebene Nutzung von Autotune, die heute im Deutschrap üblich ist, wurde in diesem Song genial eingesetzt, um die Düsterheit seiner Thematik zu unterstreichen:
na dann wollen wir der neuen bude mal etwas leben einhauchen
Deutscher Hiphop:
World Music:
Achja, einfach ein guter Metal tune!!!
Und damit Grüsse ans neue Forum ... Moment. Neues Forum?
Ja, ich hab Berlin noch mit Mauer gesehen.
it ain't me, I ain't no millionaire's son, no ...
Mirror Man
was zum henker erinnert mich bei sänger (mike haliechuck, fucked up) an wolfgang m. schmitt?
Antiklassismus + Antirassismus = that's the real shit
We say that 'Black Lives Matter'
Well truthfully they really never have
No one ever really gave a fuck
Just read your bullshit history books
But honestly it ain't just black
It's yellow, it's brown, it's red
It's anyone who ain't got cash
Poor whites that they call trash
Don't fall for the bait and switch
Racism is real, but not it
They fuck whoever can't fight back
But now we gotta change all that
The people have had enough
Right now, it's them against us
This shit is ugly to the core
When it comes to the poor
[Spoken: Ice-T]
You never see them pulling rich people out of their cars in their neighbourhoods, because they know they got lawyers. They know they'll sue their ass. They can tell who to fuck with. Unfortunately, black or brown skin has always meant poor. They're profiling you kid. They know you can't fight back. But we about to
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