Unsere Verbündeten:
ZitatWhite House officials — and most economists — believe the growing likelihood of a recession in Europe is unlikely to change under the current trajectory. One senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal assessments, said the Treasury Department and Council of Economic Advisers estimate that the impact on the U.S. from a European recession would probably be "modest and manageable." Trade with Europe accounts for less than 1 percent of U.S. gross domestic product, and many economists agree a decline in European consumer demand probably would not substantially affect U.S. firms. America also produces enough of its own natural gas not to be significantly affected by Russia restricting its flow into Europe.
If Russia keeps selling oil to world markets and only reduces gas exports to Europe, the effect on the U.S. economy probably would be minimal. In fact, that could help U.S. firms that produce natural gas. It could also sap global demand, further alleviating domestic price pressures.
"If Europe goes into recession, there’s obviously less demand for a wide range of products," said Dean Baker, an economist and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a liberal think tank. "We're in such a perverse situation here it may actually be positive."
(Halte ich übrigens für eine Fehleinschätzung. Erstens, dass es mindestens in Teilen von Europa nur eine "normale" Rezession wird. Zweitens, dass die US-Wirtschaft davon relativ unberührt bleiben wird.)
Das ist - jedenfalls laut dieser anonymen Quellen der Washington Post - die Textform hiervon: