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ZitatShutdown threatens Ukraine training, weapons deliveries
Ist das eigentlich eine Auflistung von Schlupflöchern, durch die - so die US-Regierung will - eine unmittelbare Auswirkung vermutlich vermieden werden kann:
ZitatIf the government shuts down, military activities typically stop unless they are deemed crucial to national security. [...]
ZitatMilitary training and exercises “required to achieve and maintain operational readiness and to prepare for and carry out such operations” will be exempted, according to guidance issued by the Pentagon last week for the potential shutdown. The Defense Secretary could designate certain activities as essential to national security, according to the guidance.
ZitatThere is some good news for Ukraine: In the event of a shutdown, funding for the shipments of weapons from DOD’s stockpiles would continue. The Pentagon can still use billions of dollars “recaptured” as part of a “revaluation process” after an accounting error turned up $6.2 billion worth of aid available to send weapons to Ukraine from DOD’s own coffers, Sherwood said.
ZitatThe execution of the authority available in a presidential drawdown, which DOD has used to send billions of dollars of equipment to Ukraine since the invasion last year, “is not subject to a time limitation” and so “can extend across fiscal years,” Sherwood said.
Die mögliche demoralisierende Wirkung, auch unter den europäischen Verbündeten, wenn erstmal kein neues Geld bewilligt wird und vorallem die Ukrainehilfe einer der Streitpunkte ist, dürfte entscheidender sein.