Cold War Reloaded - Der neue Ost-West Konflikt

  • Podoljak schließt sich Budanow an:

    Wobei der etwas zurückgerudert war nach seiner Einlassung, dass man Russen überall auf der Welt umbringen will:…ukraine-war-50325115.html


    Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said that his quote in a recent interview with Yahoo News about killing Russians “anywhere in the world” was misinterpreted, in an interview with Ukrainian media outlet ISLND TV on May 16.

    “This is a cut version,” he explained.

    “The most important part was cut from it: only Russians who are war criminals, who have committed crimes against humanity, crimes such as gang rapes, rapes of minors, murders... It was about them. That clarification was removed from the quote.”

  • Jetzt haben die US-Amerikaner sogar offiziell bestätigt, dass das Patriot-System getroffen wurde, gleichzeitig haben sie behauptet, es sei repariert:…y-holds-a-press-briefing/


    Q: Yeah, the -- do you have any insight how the Patriot system in -- in Ukraine failed to capture or to intercept the incoming missile...

    MS. SINGH: I would refer you to the Ukrainians to speak more on how they're operating the Patriot. All I can tell you is - if you're referring to the Patriot that was damaged, you know, it was -- it was temporarily or there was minor damage to the Patriot. It has been repaired, it is fully back online and operational, but for any more specifics on that, I would refer you to the Ukrainians to speak to that.


    Q: I have a couple very quick follow-ups to questions already asked during this briefing. One, in the repair of the Patriot system, to the best of your knowledge, did U.S. help remotely? You know how we've talked about sometimes the U.S. would provide maintenance and stuff, suggestions? And do you know if they -- if the U.S. was able to provide assistance to repair the Patriot remotely?

    MS. SINGH: We have been able to provide assistance in the past with different capabilities. That's something that we've offered in training, and I believe the United States did provide some assistance when it came to the repair of the Patriot.


    Q: When you said the U.S. provided, quote, "some assistance to Ukraine" regarding the Patriot repair work, is that on the ground there in Ukraine? Because that's where the repairs were done. Or was it done remotely or -- can -- could you be sort of -- specify a little bit about how -- what the level of assistance you guys provided?

    MS. SINGH: I'm not going to get into more specifics on the assistance that was provided, only that we did offer our support and provide assistance. But this is not just, you know, one case. We have done this before with other U.S.-provided systems. And again, we have offered training to the Ukrainians that you are aware of both at Fort Sill and in Grafenwoehr that helps them maintain these weapon capabilities on the battlefield.

  • Ja die Amis haben furchtbar aggressiv drauf reagiert, dass man ihnen einen Revolver ins Gesicht gehalten hat.

    Könnten wir mal festhalten, dass das Prinzip, dass sich eine Grossmacht umgehend und rücksichtslos über sämtliche Völkerrechtsnormen hinwegsetzt, wenn sie sich ihrer Einschätzung nach unzulässig bedroht sieht, sich mit der Kubakrise als Standardkerze im geopolitischen Umgang etabliert hat? Die dazumal gesetzten Normen sind: Blockade, Invasion, Mordversuch im Angesicht des nuklearen Armageddons.

    Et voilà. Wieso wir denn ständig angenommen, dass das im umgekehrten Fall nicht genauso kommt und dann auch noch von denen, die das etabliert haben? Und im Vgl zum Irak ist die Kubakrise gepolitisch völlig nachvollziehbar.

    Mehr gibts zur ganzen Situation prinzipiell nicht zu sagen. Der Rest ist Deko und Befindlichkeiten.

  • Ukraine could join ranks of ‘frozen’ conflicts, U.S. officials say

    How Ukraine could become the next South Korea.

  • Ja die Amis haben furchtbar aggressiv drauf reagiert, dass man ihnen einen Revolver ins Gesicht gehalten hat.

    Nur Europäer haben die Coolness (un sind belämmert genug) sich in Kaliningrad eas hinhalten zu lassen ohne zu reagieren...

    Achso ja um Kuba auf einzelne Partikel zu reduzieren haben wir auch was im Angebot. Passenderweise von den selben Jungs, die dir schon Korea reduziert haben, wenn du es zugelassen hast auch schon den Irak und hier nun eben auch Kuba. Ganz bald dann ja zum Glück auch noch Afghanistan. Vllt kommen sie ja dann auch in paar Jahren noch zur Ukraine.


    After a critically-acclaimed retelling of the Iraq War, season two of Blowback presents the unlikely story of the Cuban Revolution: America’s Cold War crusade brings the world to a nuclear-tipped showdown between the Kennedy brothers, Fidel Castro, the Soviet Union, the CIA, and the Mafia. Co-hosted by Brendan James and Noah Kulwin, season two is a 10-part account of how the United States tried and failed to thwart the creation of a socialist government less than a hundred miles to its south.

    Season two includes 10 bonus episodes, featuring exclusive interviews. Like season one, about the Iraq War, season two is available wherever you get your podcasts.


    Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass das zwei Tage später veröffentlich wurde.



    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy will travel to Hiroshima, Japan, to join the Group of Seven leaders in person, according to people familiar with the plans.

    Zelenskiy will fly on a US military plane to Japan after an expected stop in Saudi Arabia to attend the Arab League summit, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing confidential information.

    Ein Verdacht, der geäußert wird, das ist kein diplomatischer Rundumschlag von Selenskyj, sondern er meidet die Ukraine.

  • Eine Übersetzung davon könnte sein: Wir werden niemals eine neutrale Ukraine akzeptieren.

    Bevor am Maidan der Streichholz reingeworfen wurde und sämtliche Extremisten grünes Licht bekamen, da hat die diplomatische West-Werteunion noch zum gewählten Präsidenten gesagt: "Entweder 100% WIR, oder 100% DIE, nichts dazwischen, Ost oder West!"

    Man sollte sich schämen...

  • Ich würde den Denkansatz auch nicht so negativ sehen, wie schon gesagt, es wäre das einzig machbar Szenario aktuell. Eine entmilitarisierte Zone auf beiden Seiten einer festgelegten Linie - die vielleicht mit UN-Beobachtern die beide Seiten kontrollieren.

    Militärisch wäre Ruhe und Diplomatie könnte gewohnt langsame Schritte tun.



    DUBAI, May 19 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy attended a summit of the Arab League in Saudi Arabia on Friday to canvas support for his people, while Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman expressed his readiness to mediate in the war between Moscow and Kyiv.

    Also das ist direkt:


    In his address to the summit, Zelenskiy said some countries including members of the Arab League preferred to "turn a blind eye" to Russia's illegal annexation of Ukrainian land and to its jailing of some Ukrainians during the 15-month war.

    (Syrien erkennt die Annektion an.)

    Ich glaube letzteres meint Kriegsgefangene.


    "I am sure we can all be united in saving people from the cages of Russian prisons," he said, speaking in English.

  • Prigoschin wurde hier danach gefragt:

    Und er antwortet wohl sinngemäß wir haben vor einigen Tagen auf seinen Aufenthaltsort geschossen, aber wissen auch nicht, was mit ihm ist. Ich vermute, er spricht über die gleiche Gelegenheit, wo er schonmal meinte sie hätten vielleicht Sirski getroffen.

    Was auffällig ist, es wurden nachdem dieses Gerücht aufkam Bilder von Saluschni veröffentlicht bei einer Hochzeit, die aber schon einige Zeit zurücklag. Und jetzt gibt es ein Bild, was ihn beim Schwimmen auf Zypern zeigen soll. Aber auch da wird gesagt, es sei ein älteres Bild und wäre zudem in Mariupol aufgenommen wurden. Allerdings diese Bilder wurden wohl nicht von offiziellen Stellen herausgegeben.

  • Ach guck. Kaum bricht hier so ein bisschen Multipolarität aus, sind so Selbstverständlichkeiten wie: "Hätten wir mal den Irak-Krieg so durchsanktioniert wie den UA-Krieg und die Kriegsverbrechen vernünftig geahndet..." plötzlich salonfähige Meiningen geworden. (Masala ab 07:20)


    Na weil die mittlerweile heiss umworbenen "Unentschiedenen Staaten" so lästig doll drauf rumreiten. Und wir die zu entschiedenen Staaten machen wollen. Für uns. Gegen China. Da muss man Zugeständnisse an "Sichtweisen" machen. Und diesmal müssen wir es übrigens ernst meinen. Mit den Unentschiedenen. Nicht so kolonial von oben herab immer. Das kennen die nämlich schon. Von uns.

    Die Hilflosigkeit ist mit den Händen zu greifen.

    Warum trotzdem alles unausgesprochen und wie ein Naturgesetz auf Konfrontation rausläuft und präventive, ziviliserte Ansätze wie Ausgleich und Kooperation auch nicht mal ansatzweise anklingen, das bleibt ein Geheimnis westlicher Werteweisheit.

  • Der running Gag der medialen Befragung deutscher KriegsexpertInnen ist, dass eine Figur wie Professor Carlo einfach zehn Minuten am Stück banalste Gemeinplätze absondern kann, die außerhalb der "liberalen" deutschen Wertebubble schon längst bekannt sind, und dann trotzdem für einen ganz bedeutenden Wissenschaftler gehalten wird, weil er gerade erst heraus gefunden hat, dass auch Staaten außerhalb der westlichen Wertegemeinschaft eigene Interessen haben, die ihnen nicht von Putin und Xi aufgezwungen werden, bloß weil sie "unseren" #Werten nicht gerecht werden.

    Nicht schlecht für einen "Realisten".

  • Ist zwar noch ein Monat bis Sommeranfang, aber wir sind wohl von der Frühjahrs- auf eine Sommeroffensive gewechselt:…presidents-trip-to-japan/


    MR. SULLIVAN: [...]


    [...] And what the President was really getting at back in February is that we were in the midst of a massive effort to ensure that Ukraine would have what it needed to be able to launch this counteroffensive this summer. [...]

  • Wir können natürlich solange weiter Geld und Rest-Neu-Militärbestände schicken, bis wir darauf angewiesen sind vom Globalen Süden Entwicklungshilfe zu bekommen - falls da noch jemand Mitgefühl mit uns hat : )

    Geld kann man endlos drucken, Waffen und Soldaten nicht.

  • Unsere Regierung hat dieses Pamphlet auf dem Propagandaniveau von "Krieg ist Frieden" für uns unterschrieben:…e-eng-data.pdf?download=1


    [...] We express serious concern over economic coercion and call on all countries to refrain from its use, which not only undermines the functioning of and trust in the multilateral trading system, but also infringes upon the international order centered on respect for sovereignty and the rule of law, and ultimately undermines global security and stability. [...]

  • Ja wo sind wir denn? Wenn jetzt jeder dahergelaufene Bananenrepublikführer meint, er könne ökonomischen Zwang anwenden um seine Interessen durchzusetzen, gerade so als wäre er ein Mitglied der G7, dann bricht doch die regelbasierte Ordnung zusammen!

  • Interessantes Paper - aus der Zeit vor der gewendeten Zeit - das die NATO-Osterweiterung vor allem als identitätspolitisches Projekt betrachtet, welches die Eliten in den beitrittswilligen Staaten weniger als Sicherheit vor der russischen Barbarei ansahen, denn als einen Weg der national(istisch)en Identitätsstiftung mittels Anerkennung der neuen Mitglieder als vollwertige und willige Subjekte des dominanten Wertekanons durch die in der NATO konzentrierte imperiale Macht des Westens.

    “Love, Peace and Nato”: Imperial Subject-Making in Central Europe

    [...] Central Europe here includes the 10 formerly socialist states that acceded into NATO in either 1999 or 2004. In these states, NATO accession is normally discussed as “more” than “just” a security matter. In governmental rhetoric, academic research, and mainstream media coverage alike, accession is cast first and foremost as the ultimate codification of the region’s identity and values.

    Conceptually, the discursive assemblage of NATO, values, and identity illuminates the production of subjects. NATO accession was not simply imposed on Central European states or their electorates; far from it. Across the region, accession was widely perceived as empowerment: as becoming an agent, gaining recognition and acceptance, and attaining a confirmation of westerness.

    Accession campaigns did not simply rehearse negative arguments about foreign threats. They equally emphasized positive notions of cultural belonging and moral values. They worked not against but through the civil society. They sought not to separate NATO from social life, but to integrate it into entertainment, education, and civic life more broadly. NATO membership was and is constituted as an essential precondition for becoming a subject in international affairs. Accession thus represents a process by which power regulates social life from the interior, through the creation of particular kinds of subjects, particular realms of consensus, and a particular normative space of imperial right. This process is an integral part of the militarization of social life—a multilayered sociopolitical dynamic by which militarism gains popular and elite acceptance (Enloe 2004:219).


    The second aspect of the legitimation of NATO—the constitution of military power as good—is a key part of what Hardt and Negri (2000:9) call the new inscription of authority. Today’s global power relations, they argue, are based not on force itself, but on the capacity to present force as being in the service of right and peace.

    These relations rely on an “ethico-political dynamic”, which envelops the entire space of what it considers civilization—a boundless, universal space (ibid.:11). This ethico-political dynamic lays the foundation for a renewed notion of just war: no longer an activity of defense or resistance, but one that is justified in itself, by the appeal to essential values and justice.

    This just war combines two elements: first, the legitimacy of the military apparatus insofar as it is ethically grounded, and second, the effectiveness of military action to achieve the desired order and peace. The Empire’s powers of intervention do not begin directly with its weapons of lethal force but rather with its moral instruments (Hardt and Negri 2000:35). They are based on the production of the normative space of imperial right.
    Intervention becomes juridically legitimate only when it is inserted into existing international consensuses. The first task of the Empire is “to enlarge the realm of the consensuses that support its own power” (ibid.:15). 2 The military complex becomes a key part of the production of moral good (see also Flint and Falah 2004 for an in-depth discussion of the concept of just war). [...]

    NATO enlargement exemplifies this mechanism. Whereas national security discourses still invoke the negative notion of threat, however “soft” and however indirect, NATO enlargement discourse invokes only positive categories—values, democracy, openness.

    NATO, like Empire, is a “machine for universal integration. It does not fortify its boundaries to push others away, but rather pulls them within its pacific order” (Hardt and Negri 2000:198).


    This narrative of NATO enlightened and good is especially pervasive in Central Europe, where it enframes virtually all utterances of security, defense, and foreign policy more broadly (Oas 2005). Across the region and throughout the integration process, NATO membership was cast in dramatic and existential terms as integral parts of the region’s return to its European home.

    The pro-NATO lobby did not imply a threat to NATO’s member or candidate states. It conceived of membership not as an answer to strategic issues but as a reward for and a marker of “sameness” with the west on the basis of “values” (Popescu 2005:461). [...]

    The narrative is a productive one. Linking NATO membership to acceptance by, and agency in, the international system, it constitutes that membership as an essential attribute of political subjectivity. The making of NATO into a household term and pairing it with freedom and democracy is not just a matter of official speeches. It percolates through political debate and sets the tone of public utterances. It is operationalized through a wide range of practices in a variety of settings—parliamentary debates, news media, entertainment, and education. Governmental actions are certainly important, but they are a part of practices involving a host of actors from the civil society. In all accession states, pro-NATO campaigns included an array of activities executed by NGOs.


    To record these details and to foreground the pervasiveness of the pro-NATO campaigns is not to claim that Central European electorates necessarily supported NATO accession. Opinion polls yield varied results, depending on the timing and the target group of the poll, and on the questions asked and results reported.

    In broad terms, NATO accession was popular across Central Europe and many people clearly believed that accession expresses their country’s western identity. At the same time, the extensive and intensive governmental campaigns indeed indicate that political elites “were taking no chances” because they were unsure about popular opinion (Gaube 2002). Throughout Central Europe, governments pursued all venues of public information; from ministers writing in newspapers to NATO information offices (funded in part by NATO).

    Through such activities, NATO was made so ever-present and everyday as to be boring. One study of Bulgarian public opinion states just that: that the public is so accustomed to hearing of it as to pay no attention (Domozetov 2001). The characterization of Slovenian discussion on NATO as a “debate among the convinced” ( ˇSabiˇc and Jeluˇsiˇc 2002) applies to other accession states as well. In the Czech case, “there was never any wide-scale Czech public debate on what NATO entry would mean, no realistic discussion of how much it would cost and no explaining the issue to the people” (Stroehlein 1999).

    When public opinion was not sufficiently supportive of NATO accession, the chattering classes simply ignored it in the name of democracy (which was to be achieved and/or protected only by NATO membership). When intellectuals or opposition politicians occasionally questioned NATO they found no debate on which to rely.


    A schoolgirl’s picture about a light circle of family and a dark circle of weapons around it is smoothly interpreted as an image of a secure world, an image that supports a military alliance. One can question accession into a military alliance, but how can one question “returning to our European roots” or “making Europe whole and free”? How can one question one’s country gaining international recognition and passing “from an object to a subject” in international affairs?

    To highlight this process of subject-making is to point out that the heavily pro-NATO rhetoric that we hear from Central Europe is not simply a natural reaction to the decades of Soviet domination. It is not a reactive process of responding to a threat, but a productive process of subject-making. This is not to say that it is false but that it is a social product.

    Beyond Central Europe, the paper illuminates the twin processes of militarization and the production of imperial right. Both processes are at their core concerned with subject-making. NATO enlargement, I argue, was based not merely on ignoring the public. It was also based on making NATO into an unremarkable and integral part of social life.

    Accession was effected not through negative categories of threat but through positive narratives of fully fledged politically active western subjects. It locates geopolitics at the scale of individual action and individual identity.

    The accession discourse produces NATO membership as a state’s precondition for being—as a requirement for being recognized as a modern, mature western subject. It constitutes NATO not just in terms of state action, but also in terms of individual responsibility and individual emotions. It constitutes the military–industrial–media–entertainment complex not simply as necessary or inevitable but also as morally good. Within it, accession is not something that happens to people, that is imposed on the electorate for “reasons of the state”. It is a constructive process that emphasizes the participation of individuals and social groups. […]

    The process is not concerned merely with putting individuals into the service of power. It rather seeks to integrate individuals into its very functioning. It works by enlarging the unremarkable realms of consensus that underpin the normative space of imperial right.


    Merje Kuus: “Love, Peace and Nato”: Imperial Subject-Making in Central Europe, Vancouver, 2007 (-> PDF)

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