Soldaten von Wagner haben angeblich Leichen ausländischer Söldner in Bachmut gefunden,
The pot calling the kettle black.
Soldaten von Wagner haben angeblich Leichen ausländischer Söldner in Bachmut gefunden,
The pot calling the kettle black.
Naja, die meisten (alle?) Wagner-Leute sind ja Russen und nach der Angliederung des Gebietes kämpfen sie jetzt auf russischen Boden. Sie sind also inländische Söldner - die es so in Russland nicht gibt, also offiziell wohl Freiwillige.
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Naja, die meisten (alle?) Wagner-Leute sind ja Russen und nach der Angliederung des Gebietes kämpfen sie jetzt auf russischen Boden. Sie sind also inländische Söldner - die es so in Russland nicht gibt, also offiziell wohl Freiwillige.
Deputies irgendeines Sheriffs des Innenministeriums also, stinkt ja direkt nach Einsatzgruppen. Dann lass sie doch lieber Söldner sein.
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Trending in Germany
Neuer preußischer Kriegsminister im Amt, der das möchte. Es ließe sich vielleicht schwerer für mehr Krieg begeistern, wenn die eigenen Kinder, Enkel oder man selbst betroffen wäre bzw. das auch merkt.…-rusland-ondanks-sancties
Microchips gemaakt door Nederlandse bedrijven komen ondanks zware sancties nog altijd in Rusland terecht. Het gaat om vele miljoenen stuks sinds het begin van de invasie in Oekraïne tot en met december.
De export loopt via tussenhandelaren. Enkele honderden leveringen zijn gegaan naar drie Russische ondernemingen die gelinkt zijn aan defensiebedrijven. 'Nederlandse' chips zijn ook gevonden in Russische wapens.
De gezamenlijke onderzoeksredactie van de NOS en Nieuwsuur kreeg toegang tot handelsgegevens, sprak met betrokken bedrijven, overheidsinstanties, experts en onderzoekers, en kreeg inzage in vertrouwelijke documenten. Het onderzoek geeft voor het eerst inzicht in de schaal waarop microchips van Nederlandse producenten in Rusland belanden.
Er is een duidelijk patroon zichtbaar van een kleine groep Chinese bedrijven die Nederlandse chips weet te bemachtigen en die maand in maand uit naar Rusland exporteert. Een van die bedrijven staat op de sanctielijst van de VS vanwege leveringen aan de Russische defensie-industrie. Ondanks de steeds strengere sancties is de afgelopen maanden geen daling van de export zichtbaar.
Via Google Translate:
ZitatAlles anzeigenTrotz schwerer Sanktionen landen immer noch Mikrochips niederländischer Unternehmen in Russland. Es handelt sich um viele Millionen Stücke seit Beginn der Invasion in der Ukraine bis einschließlich Dezember.
Der Export erfolgt über Zwischenhändler. Mehrere Hundert Lieferungen gingen an drei russische Unternehmen, die mit Verteidigungsunternehmen verbunden sind. Auch in russischen Waffen wurden „holländische“ Chips gefunden.
Die gemeinsamen investigativen Redakteure von NOS und Nieuwsuur erhielten Zugang zu Handelsdaten, sprachen mit beteiligten Unternehmen, Regierungsbehörden, Experten und Forschern und erhielten Zugang zu vertraulichen Dokumenten. Die Studie gibt einen ersten Einblick in das Ausmaß, in dem Mikrochips niederländischer Hersteller in Russland landen.
Es gibt ein klares Muster, dass eine kleine Gruppe chinesischer Unternehmen niederländische Chips bezieht und sie Monat für Monat nach Russland exportiert. Eines dieser Unternehmen steht auf der US-Sanktionsliste für Lieferungen an die russische Rüstungsindustrie. Trotz der immer strengeren Sanktionen war in den letzten Monaten kein Rückgang der Exporte zu erkennen.
Das ist aber gar nichts:…des-after-ban-11674990320
ZitatAlles anzeigenChina’s Top Nuclear-Weapons Lab Used American Computer Chips Decades After Ban
State-owned institute continued buying Intel- and Nvidia-made chips despite inclusion on a U.S. export blacklist in 1997
SINGAPORE—China’s top nuclear-weapons research institute has bought sophisticated U.S. computer chips at least a dozen times in the past two and half years, circumventing decades-old American export restrictions meant to curb such sales.
Jaja. Der freie Markt. So wichtig für die westlichen Werte.
The US slow climb up the escalatory ladder in Ukraine appears to be moving a bit faster — without a lot of talk about consequences.
Alles anzeigen[...] There are a couple of curious features about this progressive escalation of Western military aid to Ukraine; ironic in one case, extremely dangerous in the other. The first is that when Russia invaded almost a year ago, and most NATO military analysts predicted a sweeping Russian victory, there was no official talk of heavy weapons for Ukraine — and indeed, the Ukrainian forces stopped and turned back the Russian advance with a combination of their own courage and grit with light Western infantry weapons: Javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
The further the Russians have been pushed back, and the more deeply they have become bogged down in the east and south, the more Western weapons supplies have grown — in the name of defending Ukraine and preventing any future Russian threat to NATO. A more cynical view would be that when Russia really did seem threatening, the West was too scared to risk war with Russia by sending such weapons; and that the escalation has grown not with the Russian threat, but precisely with growing Russian weakness, a belief that Russia can be not only halted but crushingly defeated, and a growing confidence that Russian talk of red lines and escalation are empty bluff.
This is the second irony, and it is a potentially catastrophic one. By repeatedly escalating their own weapons supplies in order to defeat Russia’s conventional forces, while suggesting that Russian threats of escalating in turn by unconventional means are empty, the West is openly challenging Russia to make good on its threats.
This does not mean that the Kremlin would suddenly resort to nuclear weapons. If it did,God forbid, this would come only after several radical turns in the cycle of escalation. Other Russian responses are however not only possible but becoming increasingly likely: for example, attacks on U.S. satellites whose intelligence has done so much to help the Ukrainian armed forces; or on Western communications infrastructure; or on NATO embassies in Kyiv.
The advantage of such a strategy from Moscow’s point of view would be that it would not be a direct attack on NATO territory, and so would not automatically trigger a NATO military response. It would nonetheless bring NATO and Russia much closer to the direct conflict that President Biden has always said that he is determined to avoid.
Top Russian officials and commentators have said recently that Russia is now in effect at war not with Ukraine but with NATO; and a great many ordinary Russians appear to believe this — not surprisingly, since German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has just said the same. Leading commentators (including at the U.S. Helsinki Commission) and East European governments, have declared openly that complete Russian defeat in Ukraine should be sought in order to bring down the Putin regime. Some have called for this in turn to lead to the “decolonization” of Russia, code for the break-up of the Russian Federation and the destruction of the Russian state.
Given that these advocates of Western assistance for complete Russian defeat also portray Putin as a dictator determined to maintain his own hold on power irrespective of the costs to Russia and the world; and portray Russian nationalism as intrinsically and irredeemably tied to imperialism and military aggression, it is very hard to see why they also believe that faced with the threat of complete defeat, the Russian government would not in fact escalate by some form of attack on NATO. [...]
Responsible Statecraft hat am selben Tag noch einen weiteren Artikel des selben Autors dazu veröffentlicht:
They fall apart at the slightest examination, but are dominating the Ukraine discussion nonetheless. Let’s take them on, point for point.
Alles anzeigen[...] Zealous advocates of Western support for the total defeat of Russia in Ukraine — including, if necessary, direct Western intervention and NATO-Russia war — base their case on a disparate set of arguments, almost every one of which turns out on examination to be either exaggerated or wholly mistaken.
The most extreme is that the defense of “civilization” demands the complete defeat of Russia, ideally leading in turn to Nuremberg-style trials of the top officials of the Russian government and (for some commentators) the break-up of the Russian Federation itself. This call is linked to the allegation that the Russian invasion has been not merely brutal, but has amounted to “genocide.”
This charge forms — at least subliminally — a serious intellectual and moral barrier to any eventual peace settlement. For the implied association of the Russian regime with Nazism suggests not just that no compromise with this regime is morally possible, but that morality and peace demand that the regime — and the state system over which it presides — be totally destroyed.
If one were to accept and follow through on this analogy, it would also lead to the conclusion that to defeat such evil, almost any means and any alliances are legitimate. For after all, the Nazis were not defeated by limited and humane war. They were defeated in total war by the Red Army, which (together with Polish and Czech militias) killed hundreds of thousands of eastern German civilians, and ethnically cleansed more than a million more — and with the help of a British and American bombing campaign that deliberately killed hundreds of thousands of German civilians and destroyed their cities.
We should recall the words of C. Vann Woodward in opposition to the U.S. war in Vietnam:
“The irony of the moralistic approach, when exploited by [American] nationalism, is that the high motive to end injustice and immorality actually results in making war more amoral and horrible than ever and in shattering the foundations of the political and moral order upon which peace has to be built.”
Above all, any reputable historian should be able to recognize that even an extremely brutal military campaign in which numerous civilians are killed is not the same as the Nazi Holocaust or the Rwandan genocide. If it were, then every Western state that has waged a major war over the past century would have been guilty of this — a judgment which would make the term “genocide” meaningless and incidentally insult the victims of the true genocides.
The Putin regime has sought hegemony over Ukraine and has suggested that Russians and Ukrainians are to some extent “one people” (of course, with the Russians as “elder brothers”), but while quite illegitimate, that is almost the direct opposite of the exterminatory ideology of the Nazis or the Hutu genocidaires, who most certainly did not portray Germans and Jews, or Hutus and Tutsis, as “one people.”
Advocates of the total defeat of Russia who think of themselves as “internationalists” should also ask themselves why attitudes to these questions are so very different elsewhere in the world — even among progressive intellectuals and journalists in democracies like India and South Africa. The answer of course is that while they condemn the Russian invasion, people in these countries see far less difference between Russian behavior, and Russian imperialism, and that of some Western countries, including in the recent past.
A further argument is that the total defeat of Russia is necessary because, if not, Russia will either attack Ukraine again in the future, or be emboldened to invade NATO, or both. The first suggestion is illogical; the second — for the foreseeable future at least — verges on the fantastical. By far the most likely cause of a permanent Russian desire for a war of revenge would be the same disastrous obsession that centered French diplomatic and military strategy from 1871 to 1918 on the goal of recovering Alsace-Lorraine. [...]
Bei Frau Weisband zeigt sich so etwas wie der Schimmer einer Erkenntnis:
Jetzt muss ihr nur noch einer erklären, warum das so ist.
Professor Carlo hat das gestern Abend sogar irgendwie versucht, als er mal wieder mit Frau Weisband zusammen geladen war, um Janine Wissler nieder zu schwätzen, aber er ist natürlich wie immer daran gecheitert, dass sein einziges - nach seiner logik - halbwegs plausibles Argument für die Verlängerung des Krieges in der Behauptung besteht, die russische Besatzung sei für die Bevölkerung noch schlimmer, als permanente Todesangst und komplett zerstörte Dörfer und Städte unter gegenseitigem Granaten- und Raketenhagel.
Jetzt muss ihr nur noch einer erklären, warum das so ist.
Wozu ? Überlassen wir Weissband doch einfach ihrer Bubble. Letztlich fängt man sich ja doch nur wieder kindliches Wunschdenken und albernes Ausgegrenze bis hin zum abgrundtiefen Dämonisieren ein.
Und Masala darf mit seinem Zirkelschluss auch ganz alleine klarkommen. Immerhin ist der Professor.
Offenbar bestehen die Usis darauf, dass sich ihr britischer Vasall entgültig ruiniert:…e-sources-reveal-12798365
ZitatAlles anzeigenA senior US general has privately told Defence Secretary Ben Wallace the British Army is no longer regarded as a top-level fighting force, defence sources have revealed.
They said this decline in war-fighting capability - following decades of cuts to save money - needed to be reversed faster than planned in the wake of Russia's war in Ukraine.
"Bottom line... it's an entire service unable to protect the UK and our allies for a decade," one of the defence sources said.
The sources said Rishi Sunak risked failing in his role as "wartime prime minister" unless he took urgent action given the growing security threat posed by Vladimir Putin's Russia.
This should include increasing the defence budget by at least £3bn a year; halting a plan to shrink the size of the army even further; and easing peacetime procurement rules that obstruct the UK's ability to buy weapons and ammunition at speed.
...and just in case Mr. Prime Minister is worried about british industrial capacity, maybe he would like to take a look at what the american defense industry has to offer.
NATO goes Schutzgelderpressung? : )
Ich kann das ja verstehen, das eigene Land ist ruiniert, um ein strammes Militär zu finanzieren und die netten Herren Europäer sparen da komplett und machen so Dinge wie Sozialstaat.
Jetzt schnorrt die USA Munition bei Südkorea? Das mit der Demilitarisierung scheint weiter zu greifen wie gedacht.…-drone-strike-2023-01-30/
ZitatDUBAI, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Iran summoned Ukraine's charge d'affaires in Tehran on Monday over his country's comments on a drone strike on a military factory in the central Iranian province of Isfahan, according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency.
In Ukraine, which accuses Iran of supplying hundreds of drones to Russia to attack civilian targets in Ukrainian cities far from the front, a senior aide to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy linked the incident directly to the war there.
"Explosive night in Iran," Mykhailo Podolyak tweeted on Sunday. "Did warn you."
Budanow mit ein bisschen Desinformation, denke ich:
Zitat"It is interesting to see that Russian information space, primarily on the Internet, as well as amongst some of the opposition, now fosters the idea that only the "Putin clique" should be blamed for this invasion, that has begun to spread; and that Russian society has nothing to do with it. Factually, we are also at war with a country, where more than two-thirds of the population supported Putin's actions!"
Und Machtphantasien:
ZitatAlles anzeigenAccording to Budanov, we do not know what the future of Russia will be, how many elements it will break up into, and with whom Ukraine will have to talk about reparations, and bringing to justice those guilty of war crimes.
"Our tasks, tasks of Ukraine, are the systemic and state weakening of the Russian Federation. So, following this aim, we must actively enter the Euro-Atlantic and European structures; on political, economic, security, legal, humanitarian and educational levels," he emphasised.
Finally, we must have some form of control over the new post-war Russian Federation. To never allow to repeat what happened to Ukraine," the head of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence said.
Das liest sich überhaupt nicht größenwahnsinnig.
Johnson soll laut britischer Presse behauptet haben, Putin hätte ihm bei einem Telefongespräch vor fast einem Jahr mit einem Raketenangriff gedroht. Der Kreml sagt, das sei gelogen:
ZitatMOSCOW, January 30. /TASS/. Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s allegations that Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened him with the use of missiles during a telephone call in February are a lie, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday.
Journalists asked Peskov to comment on Johnson’s remarks, cited by the British press, that during a telephone conversation on February 2, 2022, Putin had "sort of threatened" him mentioning missiles.
"What was said by Mr. Johnson is untrue. To be more precise, this is a lie," Peskov insisted, adding that if it was a deliberate lie it raises the question as to why Johnson interpreted the developments this way. Otherwise, in his words, the former British prime minister simply "did not understand" what Putin was talking about. "Then, it makes one feel somewhat awkward about our president’s interlocutors," he noted.
Das liest sich überhaupt nicht größenwahnsinnig.
Ich glaube ja, dass die sich fake it, till you make it in einem ungesunden Maße zu Herzen genommen haben. Am Ende vermutlich alles Minderwertigkeitskomplex.
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