Cold War Reloaded - Der neue Ost-West Konflikt

  • Ursula die Eroberin:



    Our neighbourhood is home to our future. Inviting countries into our Union is a moral, a historical and a political responsibility. It is an enormous geostrategic responsibility for Europe. Because in today's world a larger Union will be a stronger Union. It will strengthen our voice in the world. It will help reduce our dependencies. And it will ensure that democracy, prosperity and stability spread across Europe. We will support candidates, by working on investment and reforms and integrating them where we can into our legal frameworks. Accession will always be a merit-based process. And we will ensure that all countries are ready, before joining. But completing our Union is also in our core interest. And it will be a core priority for my Commission. History is calling once again. The Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia have made their free choice. They have chosen freedom over oppression. They have chosen democracy over dependency. And some of them are paying a high price for this choice. So we must make our choice, and show steadfast commitment. Their future will be free and prosperous, inside our Union.

    Bei der Ukraine keine erkennbaren Absetzbewegungen:


    We must also invest more in our security and defence. Russia is still on the offensive in East Ukraine. They are banking on a war of attrition, on making the next winter even harsher than the last. Russia is banking on Europe and the West going soft. And some, in Europe, are playing along. Two weeks ago, an EU Prime Minister went to Moscow. This so-called peace mission was nothing but an appeasement mission. Only two days later, Putin's jets aimed their missiles at a children's hospital and maternity ward in Kyiv. We all saw the images of children covered in blood, and mothers trying to bring young cancer patients to safety. That strike was not a mistake. It was a message. A chilling message from the Kremlin to all of us. So, Honourable Members, our answer has to be just as clear. No one wants peace more than the people of Ukraine. A just and lasting peace for a free and independent country. And Europe will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.

    Honourable Members,

    We must give Ukraine everything it needs to resist and prevail. [...]

    Sonstige Militärpolitik, mehr Redundanz:


    [...] This implies making fundamental choices for our future. For the first time in decades our freedom is under threat. It is our responsibility to do all that is necessary to protect our European citizens. Protecting Europe is Europe's duty. I believe now is therefore the time to build a true European Defence Union. Yes, I know there are some who are perhaps uncomfortable with the idea. But what we should be uncomfortable about are the threats to our security. Let us be clear: Member States will retain responsibility for their national security and their armies. And NATO will remain the pillar of our collective defence. [...]

    :rolleyes: Wenn es wenigstens Ersatz wäre.


    [...] But we all know very well that our spending on defence is too low and ineffective. Our foreign spending is too great. We must therefore create a single market for defence. We must invest more in high-end defence capabilities. In other words, Europe must continue along the path laid down by the Versailles Declaration. We need to invest more. We need to invest together. And we must set up common European projects. For example, a comprehensive aerial defence system – a European Air Shield, not only to protect our airspace but as a strong symbol of European unity in defence matters.

    Diese Rhetorik dürfte mit ein Grund sein, warum sich nichts in Richtung einer Industriepolitik für die Herstellung von Basismilitärgütern bewegt. Aber wenn es uns schwach und offensivunfähig belässt, soll mir das recht sein.

  • Nicht ganz sicher, in welchem Zusammenhang sie das hier gesagt. In der Rede war es nicht:…ina-from-invading-taiwan/


    Ursula von der Leyen said Thursday she would seek to “deter China” from invading Taiwan as part of her bid for a second term as European Commission president.

    “The Indo-Pacific has become a decisive region for the world’s future,” she outlined in her manifesto, entitled Europe’s Choice.

    “We will work with Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Australia with whom we face common challenges … This includes our collective efforts to deploy the full range of our combined statecraft to deter China from unilaterally changing the status quo by military means, particularly over Taiwan,” she said, making her clearest statement to date.

    Ihr nehme ich auch ab, dass sie diese eventuell letzte Machtprobe des Westens will und glaubt, dass das bestimmt gut für uns ausgeht. Statt sich nur darauf einzulassen, damit uns die US-Amerikaner ja keinen Gefallen tun.

  • Zitat

    Ultra-Nationalist Firebrand Generates Outrage by Questioning Patriotism of Russian-Speaking Ukrainian Soldiers

    Notorious self-styled nationalist figurehead Iryna Farion says Azov soldiers who speak Russian are not Ukrainians, sparking anger, ridicule and mocking poetry from the country’s boxing champion.…ukraines-lviv-2024-07-19/


    Медики повідомили про смерть Фаріон у лікарні

    Про це розповіли у пресслужбі Першого медичного обʼєднання Львова.

    Via Google Translate:


    Ärzte gaben den Tod von Farion im Krankenhaus bekannt

    Dies wurde im Pressedienst der Ersten Ärztekammer von Lemberg gemeldet.


  • Bissel spät oder?…ntiship-missiles-98131a8a


    U.S. Launches Effort to Stop Russia From Arming Houthis With Antiship Missiles

    A U.S. commander sent confidential letter warning that U.S. is failing to deter Red Sea attacks on shipping

    WASHINGTON—U.S. intelligence agencies are warning that Russia might arm Houthi militants in Yemen with advanced antiship missiles in retaliation for the Biden administration’s support for Ukrainian strikes inside Russia with U.S. weapons.


    The White House has launched a confidential push to try to stop Moscow from delivering the missiles to the Iranian-backed Houthis, who have been attacking shipping in the Red Sea for eight months in a show of solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.


    The administration’s diplomatic effort to head off Moscow’s transfer of missiles to Yemen involves using a third country to try to persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin not to join Iran in providing weapons to the Houthis, according to U.S. officials, who declined to identify the country.

    Sie behaupten allerdings nicht mal, dass die Russen das auf jeden Fall vorhaben.

  • Da brauchte man kein Genie für sein, Europa Schwarzmarkt boomt ...



    [...] wherever NATO’s hand extends, turmoil and chaos will ensue. [...]



    Der Hai ist mit dabei.




    Top NATO general praises Ukraine’s ‘great’ war strategy

    Kyiv is doing a good job of balancing recruitment, training and procurement, Gen. Christopher Cavoli said.


    “The Ukrainians right now for these past few months have been focused on defending what they have in the east, denying Russia the free use of Crimea and southern Ukraine to attack the rest of Ukraine, preserving their access to the Black Sea and generating force,” the U.S. general said

    “I think that they’ve got a great strategy. It is just a matter of prosecuting it. The key part is the force generation,” Cavoli added in a speech on Thursday at the U.S. security and foreign policy conference.

    Eigentlich sieht es so aus, als ob den Ukrainern die Reserve an Truppen ausgeht. Weiß nicht, ob uns das jetzt sagen soll, sie haben einfach nur aufgehört sie einzusetzen und stattdessen wird sie aktuell aufgebaut.

    Verdammte Russen haben uns ja auch gezwungen, die NATO-Grenze mit ihnen zu verdoppeln.

    Und sie sind aus irgendwelchen Gründen überzeugt, dass wir der Gegner sind (nicht mal der Feind). :whistling: Trainiert er für die gaslighting-Olympiade?

  • Also hätten wir uns das alles "sparen" können?

  • Merkwürdiger Artikel:…80-4c60-bdb3-126d478e4a59


    Isolated Germany fears a second Trump term

    The possibility that a new administration could weaken security guarantees and increase tariffs on US imports is causing angst in Berlin

    Die Beschreibung der "Isolierung":


    Germany is already increasingly alone in the world. To the east it faces a revisionist and expansionist Russia which could, officials in Berlin say, attack a Nato member state within a decade. Its western neighbour and closest ally France is mired in political uncertainty after snap elections yielded a hung parliament that has weakened President Emmanuel Macron.

    Ich meine, die müssten mindestens durch Polen vielleicht noch ein paar andere Länder durch.

    Und wenn es mit Frankreich nicht läuft kann man die restlichen Nachbarn gleich mitabhaken?


    Meanwhile, since the spring a unit of the German economy ministry has been trying to calculate the impact of possible Trump tariffs and re-examining the country’s supply chains to potentially substitute US high-tech and raw material products.

    Also jetzt sichern wir unsere Wirtschaft gegen US-Sanktionen ab?


    Some officials in Berlin think a Trump-Vance administration would not usher in a radical break with Biden’s foreign policy, and that it will remain committed to America’s traditional alliances. But most agree that US attention is bound to shift away from Europe to Asia, leaving Germany to take on a greater leadership role in its own neighbourhood.

    Darauf läuft es irgendwie häufig raus. Weil Deutschland in der EU natürlich auch traditionell nichts zu sagen hat. X/

    Und so geht das weiter.

  • Zitat

    Investigation: EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises

    Ähnlicher Artikel für die US-Produktion, wobei sich das mehr mit der Vergangenheit beschäftigt:…ukraine-crisis-artillery/


    A Reuters Investigation

    Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine

    Since Russia seized Crimea in 2014, policymakers in America and Europe repeatedly failed to address warnings about the sorry condition of the West’s munitions industry. The result: an inability to adequately supply Ukraine with a key weapon, and a shift of the war in Russia’s favor.


    155mm shell

    The causes of the shell crisis began years ago. They are rooted in decisions and miscalculations made by the U.S. military and its NATO allies that occurred well before Russia’s 2022 invasion, a Reuters investigation found.

    A decade of strategic, funding and production mistakes played a far greater role in the shell shortage than did the recent U.S. congressional delays of aid, Reuters found.

    Unter anderem:

    • And a plan to replace an antiquated plant in Virginia that produced propellant to launch the shells has fallen a decade behind its scheduled completion and has almost doubled in price. That delay has created a greater U.S. reliance on raw materials from overseas than is publicly known. One internal U.S. Army document from 2021 details “foreign dependencies” on at least a dozen chemicals made in China and India, countries with close trade ties to Russia.
    Particularly ironic: The U.S. pre-war plan for sourcing the explosive TNT from overseas included contracts with a factory in eastern Ukraine. The plant was seized by Russia early in the war.
    [...] “You cannot imagine just how overheated the market is at the moment,” said a European defense industry executive. “The worst thing at the moment is the global shortage of TNT and RDX. The shortage of these raw materials is the basic reason why production cannot be ramped up much more at this point.

    And in May, the secretary of the Army showcased the grand opening of a state-of-the-art facility near Dallas, which will rely heavily on robots to make 155mm shells.

    Still, those new machines aren’t expected to begin producing war-ready shells until the fall. Although total U.S. monthly shell production might jump from 36,000 to 60,000 by year’s end, officials say it isn’t expected to reach the goal of 100,000 for another 18 months.

    Dazu gibt es einen Bericht über die Produktion von Patriot-Abfangraketen durch Japan, die ebenfalls Probleme haben sie auszuweiten. In dem Fall sind Komponenten von Boeing nicht ausreichend verfügbar:…ent-roadblock-2024-07-20/


    Exclusive: US-Japan Patriot missile production plan hits Boeing component roadblock

    TOKYO, July 20 (Reuters) - A U.S. plan to use Japanese factories to boost production of Patriot air defence missiles - used by Ukraine to defend against Russian attacks - is being delayed by a shortage of a critical component manufactured by Boeing, four sources said.

    Bisherige Menge und Ziel der Ausweitung:


    Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (7011.T), (MHI) already makes about 30 PAC-3 missiles each year under licence from defence contractor Lockheed Martin (LMT.N), and can increase that number to about 60, two Japanese government officials and two industry sources told Reuters.

    Als Teil einer Erhöhung der Weltproduktion:


    The U.S. hopes to increase production from about 500 a year to more than 750 per year globally as soon as possible, a person familiar with the program said. But no expansion at all will be possible in Japan without additional supplies of the missiles' seekers, which guide them in the final stages of flight, the officials and industry sources said.

    Aber durch die fehlenden Kompenenten:


    "It could take several years before MHI is able to raise output" because of the shortage, said one of the industry sources, who like the others declined to be identified because they are not authorised to speak to the media.

    Boeing last year began expanding its seeker factory in the United States to increase production by 30%, although the additional lines won't operate until 2027. The company did not say last year how many were produced, but noted it had just delivered its 5,000th.
  • Es braucht auf jeden Fall mehr Deutschland...:

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