ZitatAlles anzeigenMr. Putin is claiming Mr. Rota had grouped together Ukrainian SS troops with Ukrainians fighting the Russians today.
“[Rota] essentially lumped together Nazi collaborators, SS troops and the Ukrainian military of today who are fighting against Russia,” Mr. Putin said to a question in the Russian city of Sochi. “This only confirms our thesis that one of our goals in Ukraine is de-Nazification.”
At a press conference in Ottawa, Ms. Freeland said Mr. Rota had “made a really big mistake” and a “grave error” by the honouring of a member of the Nazi-led unit.
“It caused a lot of pain to a lot of Canadians and it was wrong,” she said, adding the hurt was felt in particular by Canada’s Jewish community.
But she accused the Russian President of exploiting the error by the former Speaker, who had apologized and resigned after the incident, for propaganda purposes.
“We can’t change the fact that he made that mistake. We can, though, all of us decide how effective Vladimir Putin is at weaponizing that mistake,” she said. “And I would really urge all of us to understand that Russian propaganda is real.”
Wie kann es sein, dass die kanadische Regierung immer noch über russische Propaganda spricht? Wenn man in diesem Fall offenkundig nicht in der Lage ist russische Propaganda zu widerlegen, dann sollte man vielleicht nicht den Finger darauf legen, indem man ständig darum bettelt keinesfalls hinzuhören.
Tatsächlich ist es doch wohl so, dass genau sowas wie die Beschwörung russischer Propaganda, die Freeland auch schon für ihren eigenen Familienhintergrund in Anspruch genommen hat, eine politische Umgebung in Unkenntnis peinlicher Stolperfallen geschaffen hat, wo jemand wie Hunka für seinen historischen Auftritt durchgewunken wurde.