Cold War Reloaded - Der neue Ost-West Konflikt

  • 31.02.2023 - Twitter TS 20:40 Uhr. Vllt wollten "die Welt" das noch schnell reindrücken um später sagen zu können "... wie wir bereits im Januar geschrieben haben"?

    Das wären dann rund +6 Monate freeLunch in Sachen DauerAgitProp nachdem in fringeMedia & Telegram die Lage angesichts Bachmut so eingeschätzt wurde. Aber was wissen die schon...

    Es ist offenbar nicht nur die Welt.

  • Es ist offenbar nur die Welt.

    Hmm, auch wenn ich sein letztes Argument bzgl. des Vietnamkrieg nachvollziehen kann, so ist die Debattenkultur seit Anno Neuland etwas schnelllebigen geworden. Das macht mich aber nicht zwingend optimistischer, dass da jetzt 'ne Kehrtwende in Sachen Zeitenwende gibt, so a la Merkel AKW-Verlängerung-Fukushima-Gedöns (man stelle sich vor, Schanzler Kolz würde das so heute kommunizieren) .

  • Wer noch nicht selbst darauf gekommen ist: In einem Land mit starkem Nationalismus werden die Menschen mit der Bedrohung der Nation für einen Krieg begeistert, in einem Land, das Freiheit als einen zentralen Wert betont, arbeitet man mit der Bedrohung der Freiheit.


    Alles zusammen mit 53 von Spanien wären das 175.…raine-el-pais-2023-02-01/


    MADRID, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Spain plans to send between four and six German-built Leopard 2A4 tanks to Ukraine, newspaper El Pais reported on Wednesday, citing unidentified government sources.

    The actual number will depend on the condition of the battle tanks in storage and how many other countries will eventually supply to Ukraine, the sources told El Pais.

  • Ich baue den Artikel mal anders auf:…russian-hate-among-poles/


    The controversy began on Friday after Wolińska-Riedi tweeted a photograph of her daughter at the former Germany-Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz, which is located in what is now Poland.

    “It is necessary to pass on to the young generation knowledge about the depths of hell that the Nazis prepared for the world,” she wrote.



    In response, a number of Polish users criticised her for saying “Nazis” rather than “Germans”. Many in Poland prefer the latter term to be used to make clear which country was responsible for the Holocaust and to avoid Poles being blamed for crimes committed on their occupied territory.

    Die klassische Diskussion um "polnische Konzentrationslager".


    In a series of further tweets, Wolińska-Riedi argued that Germans as a whole were not responsible for the Holocaust. She then asked: “Are Russians today responsible for the war in Ukraine…or Putin and his people?”

    Oh, oh.


    She subsequently added: “So we stigmatise the entire Russian nation for the madness of Putin and co…Probably only we Poles, who suckled hatred with our mother’s milk, can interpret it in this way.”



    A few hours later, Wolińska-Riedi apologised for her remarks: “I’m sorry. I got carried away in this discussion. I ended up falling into unfair generalization and stigmatisation myself. I always want to serve Poland with my work and activities here abroad.”

    Zu spät, oder?


    However, the following day, TVP announced that it had relieved her of her duties. Wolińska-Riedi has served as its Rome correspondent since 2015.




    KYIV, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Former Ukrainian interior minister Arsen Avakov said his home was searched by security officials on Wednesday as part of an investigation into a purchase of Airbus helicopters, the Ukrainska Pravda media outlet reported.

    An Airbus helicopter crashed on Jan. 18, killing 14 people including Interior Minister Denys Monastyrskyi and other top ministry officials.

    Also der frühere Innenminister hat den Hubschrauber gekauft, mit dem sein Nachfolger abgestürzt ist und deshalb durchsuchen sie sein Haus? Interessant.

    Awakow hat übrigens eine enge Verbindung zu Asow.

  • Ich hatte schonmal von dieser Mozart Group in der Ukraine gehört, ein Gegenentwurf zu Wagner:…ssia-andy-milburn-1765321


  • Hmm, auch wenn ich sein letztes Argument bzgl. des Vietnamkrieg nachvollziehen kann, so ist die Debattenkultur seit Anno Neuland etwas schnelllebigen geworden. Das macht mich aber nicht zwingend optimistischer, dass da jetzt 'ne Kehrtwende in Sachen Zeitenwende gibt, so a la Merkel AKW-Verlängerung-Fukushima-Gedöns (man stelle sich vor, Schanzler Kolz würde das so heute kommunizieren) .

    Er sagt ja auch, dass ein medialer Shift eben keineswegs ein Kehrtwende bedeuten würde. Der Fukushima-Ausstieg war nach meinem Empfinden ohnehin nur Merkels Talent geschuldet, eine Gelegenheit zu erkennen, dem politischem Gegner das Wasser abzugraben.

  • Israel Strikes Iran Amid International Push to Contain Tehran

    Israeli, American officials discuss new ways to combat Iranian operations

    [...] At the same time, the U.S. has been pressing Israel to do more to help Ukraine in its war with Russia, especially now that Tehran is providing Moscow with hundreds of drones used to attack Ukraine. Israel has rebuffed pressure to send Ukraine direct military aid, which Russian politicians have warned would imperil Israeli relations with Moscow.

    Russia and Israel have had a yearslong understanding that has allowed Israeli warplanes to repeatedly strike Iranian targets inside Syria, where Moscow provides air defenses for President Bashar al-Assad. Israel is worried that open support for Ukraine could imperil its ability to strike Iranian targets in Syria.

    Mr. Netanyahu’s new government isn’t expected to offer Ukraine direct military support. But it is expected to continue carrying out covert strikes against Iran’s nuclear and military program.

    Strikes like the one over the weekend help damage Iran’s ability to help Russia with the war in Ukraine. [...]

    “Explosive night in Iran,” Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukraine’s president, wrote on Twitter in response to the blast in Iran. “[Ukraine] did warn you.” [...]

    Wie bestellt...

    Podolyak urged to destroy Iran’s weapons factories

    The Office of the President proposes to move from “non-working sanctions” to more decisive action.

    [...] “The world community should start destroying Iran’s weapons factories and arresting components suppliers instead of “non-working sanctions.” The adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak, stated this.

    He noted that Iran plans to increase the volume of arms deliveries to Russia. According to Podolyak, by doing this, Tehran “demonstratively humiliates” the entire institution of international sanctions.

    “Important to abandon nonworking sanctions, invalid UN resolutions concept, & move to more destructive tools – liquidation of plants, arrest of suppliers…,” he wrote on his Twitter. [...]

    ...meanwhile at the axis of evil:

    Iran may change its approach to Ukraine conflict after Ukrainian official’s remarks

    The source recalled that Iran had repeatedly called for a ceasefire in Ukraine and for settling the conflict through dialogue

    [...] "If the hostile statements of the adviser to the President of Ukraine, Mikhail Podolyak, against Iran are not corrected by the official authorities of this country, it can lead to different reactions by Iran," the official was quoted as saying.

    The source recalled that Iran had repeatedly called for a ceasefire in Ukraine and for settling the conflict through dialogue. "While the government of Ukraine has accused Iran of providing arms support to Russia during the Ukraine war by inciting its Western partners based on false statements, it has not yet been able to provide any documents to prove its claim," he said, adding that Podolyak’s remarks could be interpreted as an implicit recognition of Ukraine’s involvement in the Isfahan attack. "Ukraine's emphasis on the threat to Iran's national security can be the basis for examining the change of positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the war in Ukraine and adopting a new approach that is appropriate to the behavior of the Kiev government," the source stressed. [...]

    Das ist natürlich ziemlich scheinheilig von den Mullahs, weil die angeblich schon seit einiger Zeit wieder ordentlich Mordmaterial nach Russland liefern.

    Aber wenn der Angriff auf die Drohnen/Raketen-Fabrik als Abschreckung gedacht war ist er offenbar nach hinten los gegangen.



    Israel leistet humanitäre Unterstützung in der Ukraine. Es gibt aber keine Militärhilfe, obwohl Präsident Selenskyj, der auch jüdisch ist, Israel darum gebeten hat. Warum?

    Prosor: Ganz so einfach ist das nicht. Wir haben die Russen in Syrien. Wie Sie wissen, unterbindet die israelische Armee regelmäßig Waffenlieferungen aus dem Iran nach Syrien und Libanon. Darunter sind auch iranische Drohnen und Raketen, die Russland in der Ukraine einsetzt. Wir helfen also – allerdings hinter den Kulissen und deutlich mehr, als bekannt ist. Zudem haben wir eine große jüdische Gemeinde in Russland. Das sind die zwei Hauptgründe, aus denen wir uns bedeckt halten.



    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis says he sees no point in EU member states having Russian ambassadors in their countries.

    “In many cases, there is little use in having an ambassador, a Russian ambassador, in any European capital. Because as we have seen, in most cases it’s no longer a diplomatic institution, it’s an institution of propaganda, covering up crimes of war and in general promoting a genocidal agenda,” Landsbergis told reporters at a joint press conference with his Baltic and Polish counterparts in Riga on Tuesday.



    The former French leader [Hollande] was commenting on suggestions that the Ukraine war has shifted the balance of power in the EU towards Poland and Eastern European countries that have been more adamant about supporting Kyiv.

    Hollande is unconvinced that this is the case, [...]


    Die? Nah....


    [...] however, arguing that northern and eastern EU members are casting in their lot with the United States at their own risk. “These countries, essentially the Baltics, the Scandinavians, are essentially tied to the United States. They see American protection as a shield.”

    This could prove a risk, Hollande says, especially if a more isolationist administration is voted in.

    “Until today, [President Joe Biden has shown] exemplary solidarity and lived up to his role in the transatlantic alliance perfectly. But tomorrow, with a different American president and a more isolationist Congress, or at least less keen on spending, will the United States have the same attitude?” Hollande told Politico.



    Biden says he will visit Poland but doesn't know when

    WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday said he will visit Poland but does not know when after reports suggested he is considering a trip to Europe to coincide with the Feb. 24 anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.



    U.S. President Biden may visit Central Europe in February, Polish president says


    WARSAW, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Polish President Andrzej Duda said U.S. President Joe Biden will probably visit Central Europe in February but added he did not know which countries of the region he would be visiting.

    "The president will most likely be coming to our part of Europe in February," Duda said during a press conference in Riga, Estonia, on Wednesday.

    "Our part of Europe means Central Europe ... this is an area stretching from Romania to Estonia. It is very difficult for us to answer where the president will be coming in detail, we do not have such information."

  • Komisch. Dabei waren er und seine Wertepartner doch so nett zu Deutschland...

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    Stań w obronie prawdziwych ziem Polskich.

    Zostań czołgistą Leopard

    Broń Polski w Ukrainie.

    Via Google Translate:


    Steh auf für die echten polnischen Länder.
    Werden Sie ein Leopard-Tanker
    Verteidige Polen in der Ukraine.

    Zu "Tanker":



    1. (military) tanker (member of a tank crew)

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