Bidens Handlungen/Resultate als POTUS

  • Aller guten Dinge sind drei, richtig?

    In dem Fall nur, wenn man es genießt zu verlieren:…yzed-us-house-2023-10-20/


    Republicans drop Jim Jordan's US House speaker bid after third failed vote

    WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Hardline conservative Republican Jim Jordan's quest to become speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives ended on Friday as his fellow Republicans revoked their support following a third, failed vote on the House floor.

    Ist noch Zeit auf der Uhr und Onkel Sam hat allerlei Überbrückungstricks im bürokratischen Ärmel, aber das ist angesichts eines brodelnden Nahostkonflikts schon eine arge Regierungskrise:


    That means that the House until at least next week will remain unable to respond to President Joe Biden's request for a $106 billion national-security package including military aid for Ukraine and Israel or take action to stave off a looming Nov. 18 partial government shutdown.

    Nächster Shutdown-Termin jetzt noch einen Monat entfernt.


    Black helicopter time!

  • Es ist schon wieder shutdown-Zeit, noch sechs Tage. Sieht so aus als würde der neue Sprecher eine weitere kurzfristige Vertagung anstreben:


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. House of Representatives Republicans are due to unveil a stopgap measure on Saturday aimed at averting a government shutdown, the latest in a series of standoffs that contributed to Moody’s lowering its outlook on the nation’s credit.

    Freilich bringt uns das an die gleiche Stelle, die seinen Vorgänger den Job gekostet hat:


    Some House Republicans have called for a “clean” continuing resolution, or “CR,” that would keep funding at current levels and contain no partisan policy riders such as immigration restrictions at the U.S.-Mexico border that Democrats view as “poison pills.”


    Johnson, who won the speaker’s gavel less than three weeks ago, could put his own political future at risk by opting for a clean CR that can win enough ready bipartisan support to pass through Congress quickly.

  • Nun:…ering-risk-of-us-shutdown


    The risk of a US government shutdown on Nov. 18 eased as House Speaker Mike Johnson proposed a compromise temporary funding plan without insisting on deep spending cuts that ultraconservatives have sought.


    The proposal would extend funding for some government agencies to January and others to February, lawmakers and aides said Saturday. While the two-step idea risks Democratic pushback, it is more likely to pass the Senate given lack of immediate spending cuts.


    Republican leaders plan a House vote on the plan Tuesday — which could end Johnson's brief honeymoon period with conservative rebels in the party.

    Hardline conservatives have demanded that Johnson attach immediate spending cuts and changes to US migration policies to any temporary funding to keep open the government.


    Johnson will almost certainly need Democrats to pass his plan through the House over these objections.

    Ich nehme an die Regel, dass ein Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses genügt, um ein Misstrauensvotum loszutreten, wird unter Johnson nicht wieder eingeführt. Insofern vielleicht ist das jetzt kein Problem mehr.

  • Na, schauen wir mal.…ernment-budget/index.html


    [Johnson] may soon find himself in the position that doomed his predecessor Rep. Kevin McCarthy — needing Democratic votes to keep the government open.


    While the two-step approach appears to be a concession to the far right — which abhors what it calls “clean” continuing resolutions, or CRs, that keep government open temporarily at current spending levels — Johnson’s approach may already have backfired since it lacks the sweeping cuts that hard-right Republicans demanded even though they have no chance of getting them past a Democratic-run Senate and White House. “It’s a 100% clean. And I 100% oppose,” Freedom Caucus member and Texas Rep. Chip Roy wrote on X, conjuring up exactly the showdown that cost McCarthy his job.

    Die Sache ist selbst bei den Republikanern, die McCarthy gestürzt haben, dürfte eine neue Sprechersuche nicht allzu beliebt sein. Ich vermute daher Johnson könnte auf die Stimmen der Demokraten setzen, ohne sein Amt zu riskieren.



    WASHINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a stopgap measure to avert a partial federal government shutdown, as wide swaths of lawmakers from both parties showed support for the bill.


    The 336-95 vote was a victory for House Speaker Mike Johnson, who faced down opposition from some of his fellow Republicans, in the first consequential vote of his tenure

    Die Republikaner hatten keine eigene Mehrheit, ohne Demokraten wäre das Gesetz nicht durchgekommen:

    Aber, wie vermutet scheint das im Moment keine Konsequenzen zu haben.

    Wenn jetzt der Senat nicht austickt, ist erst wieder Anfang nächstes Jahr shutdown time, aber das ist ja auch nicht mehr so lange hin.

  • The Squad Is About to Fight for Its Political Life

    The war in Gaza has set the stage for a huge primary battle in 2024.

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