Bidens Handlungen/Resultate als POTUS

  • Auch ein schöner Nachruf:

    I met Senator Diane Feinstein once, in the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. She had just recently been assigned to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (in 2001), and it was in that capacity that she had a senior staffer from the committee ask me to come to Washington DC to brief her on Iraqi WMD and the allegations being made by the Bush administration that Iraq continued to possess them. We met in a secure conference room in the Capital building—me, the Senator, and a half dozen staffers and aides. It was a polite, professional affair, with the Senator asking questions and taking notes. Eventually she confronted me—“Your position is causing us some difficulty. You are making the US look bad in the eyes of the world.” I replied that my analysis and the underlying facts were rock solid, something she agreed with. I said that while I knew she couldn’t reveal sensitive intelligence, if she could look me in the eye and say she has seen unequivocal proof that Iraq retained WMD, I’d shut up and go away. She looked at her retinue, and then me. “I have seen no such intelligence,” she replied. She thanked me for the briefing, and said it provided her with “food for thought.” On October 11, 2002, Senator Feinstein voted in favor of the resolution authorizing war with Iraq. Later, she said she had been misled by the Bush administration and bad intelligence. I will forever know Senator Feinstein as someone who had been empowered by the truth, and lacked the moral courage to act on it. The blood of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis stains her soul. I hope when she stands in judgment before her maker, she is punished accordingly.

  • Schau an das Repräsentantenhaus hat eine Überbrückungsfinanzierung angenommen, wobei McCarthy auch auf Stimmen der Demokraten setzen musste:…vert-government-shutdown/


    The House on Saturday approved a “clean” stopgap funding bill to avert a government shutdown, sending the legislation to the Senate for consideration hours before the midnight funding deadline.


    The chamber cleared the stopgap bill in an overwhelmingly bipartisan 335-91 vote hours after Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) rolled out the proposal. One Democrat and 90 Republicans voted against the measure.

    Na, mal schauen, ob das bedeutet, dass sie ihn jetzt aus dem Amt hebeln.

  • Interessant ist, was die Tagesschau nicht erwähnt - nämlich: dass die Republikaner es offenbar gar nicht so gut fanden, dass McCarthy mutmaßlich einen heimlichen Deal mit Biden gemacht hat, um das Rüstungsgeschäft des militärisch-industriellen Kompexes an der europäischen Ostfront weiter laufen zu lassen, während man sich auf republikanischer Seite eigentlich lieber Richtung pazifische Westfront orientieren will. Dazu sollen Kevin und Joe ausgekungelt haben, die aus dem jetzigen Überbrückungshaushalt ausgenommene Ukraine-Unterstützung später in eine separate Abstimmung durch das Repräsentantenhaus zu bringen, bei der man davon ausgeht, dass sie mit deutlicher Mehrheit positiv ausfallen würde.

    Blöderweise hat sich Opa Sepp dann vor der Presse verplappert und seine Sprecherin wollte hinterher beim White House press briefing partout keine eindeutige Antwort auf diesbezügliche Fragen der Hauptstadtjournaille geben.

    CNBC von vor zwei Tagen:

    Congress and Washington wonder if Biden and McCarthy cut secret Ukraine funding deal

    Congress and Washington buzzed over whether President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy cut a secret deal that could protect future aid for Ukraine as part of an agreement to avoid a government shutdown.

    Kuleba hat den Verdacht dan auch nochmal befeuert, indem er zum Besten gab, er halte die momentane Schliessung der imperialen Kriegskasse nicht für ein systemisches Problem, sondern nur für einen "Vorfall":

    [...] Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told reporters in Kyiv on Monday, “We don’t feel that the U.S. support has been shattered, because the United States understands what is at stake in Ukraine.”

    “The question is whether what happened is an incident or a system,” Kuleba said, referring to the lack of hoped-for aid in the funding resolution passed by Congress on Saturday.

    “I think it was an incident.”

    Was natürlich auch dem Umstand geschuldet sein kann, dass sich die politische Führung in Kiew ohnehin ganz selbstbewusst als Nabel der Welt präsentiert, aber vermutlich hatte man ihr aus dem Weißen Haus schon signalisiert, dass der Geldhahn nicht abgedreht werden würde.

  • Nancy Pelosi hat ihren Senatssitz verloren.

    Nancy Pelosi hat ihr Büro verloren.…nterim-speaker/index.html

  • Die Republikaner haben Steve Scalise als Kandidat für den Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses aufgestellt. Aber er hat seine Kandidatur bereits wieder zurückgezeogen, weil er keine ausreichende Unterstützung für die Wahl gesehen hat:…-house-turmoil-rcna120230

  • Don`t! Don`t! Stairs!

  • Der Nächste:…eaker-jordan-scalise.html


    Republicans Tap Jordan for Speaker, but Delay Vote as Holdouts Balk


    By a vote of 124 to 81, Mr. Jordan defeated Representative Austin Scott of Georgia, a mainstream conservative and an ally of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy who had decided just hours earlier to seek the nomination. Mr. Scott had effectively put himself forward as a protest candidate against Mr. Jordan, the co-founder of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus and a favorite of former President Donald J. Trump’s.

    But while Mr. Jordan won the contest, his quest for the speakership still faced serious challenges. A second secret-ballot vote revealed that a sizable chunk of Republicans did not intend to support him on the floor, where he needs 217 votes to win the gavel. It was a continuation of the bitter party infighting that has broken out in recent days, paralyzing the House.

  • Balkanisierung läuft:

  • Der Feind ist überall:…es/worldwide-caution.html


    [Worldwide Caution]

    [October 19, 2023]

    Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. U.S. citizens should:

    • Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.
    • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive information and alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency overseas.
    • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.

    Schlimmer noch, laut den Republikanern sind die Grenzen weit offen. =O

    (So kann man seine follower-Zahl natürlich leicht erhöhen.)

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