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Dieser Mann will auch einen eigenen Thread bei uns. Kannste knicken Zucker.
Carla Neuhaus ist davon eben einfach nicht betroffen.
So ein paar widerliche Zeilen rotzt sie mit KI-hilfe ja auch mit 40 Fieber aus dem Homeoffice raus.
Ob ihr allerdings bewusst ist, dass ihrem Arbeitgeber auch irgendwann auffallen könnte, dass man dafür eigentlich auch gar keine Carla Neuhaus bräuchte?
Zeit Online wieder voll auf Linie.
Carla Neuhaus in die Produktion!
Fachkräftemangel ist Unternehmermeltdown, da kann man als Arbeitnehmer schon mal bei Verdacht krankfeiern, einfach per Anruf, und der Arbeitgeber hat kein Druckmittel. Der Arbeitnehmer kann wie in den 70zigern sagen "Hömma Chef, ich hau im Sack, zwei Strassen weiter zahlt der Meister doppelt soviel - Fachkräftemangel ist gut für Fachkräfte : )
Immer mehr Unqualifizierte in Unqualifiziertenjobs zu zwingen löst das Problem nicht, in den meisten Fällen wäre bei den Schulabbrechern eine Weiterbildung zur Fachkraft ein Himmelfahrtskommando.
Leute ausbilden, Handwerker-Facharbeiter-PR schon in den Schulen, bei jungen gesunden Leuten lohnt sich auch eine 2-3jährige Vollausbildung durch Jobcenter/Weiterbildungsindustrie mit IHK-Prüfung - dann könnten die noch 40 Jahre als Facharbeiter arbeiten. Aber Jobcenter machen eher 5 Tage Rauchenentwöhnungskurs und was es da noch für verrückte "Maßnahmen" gibt.
Ein Aspekt der Aufarbeitung des Coups in Südkorea ist eine schamanistische Connection:…n/2025/01/113_389129.html
ZitatWhy are there so many fortunetellers, shamans associated with Yoon?
The revelations surrounding President Yoon Suk Yeol's close inner circle and their alleged connections to shamanistic practices are both unsettling and deeply troubling.
As more behind-the-scenes details emerge about Yoon and his confidants' secret efforts to push for a martial law declaration, it has been revealed that several key figures involved in the planning are connected to practices rooted in fortunetelling, superstition, and mysticism — shocking many people.
ZitatThese disclosures also bring to light suspicions that had surfaced even before Yoon became president — that he and his wife, Kim Keon Hee, were heavily reliant on fortunetellers and shamanistic rituals.
ZitatAccording to various media reports, Jeon has known Yoon since he was prosecutor general, with the first lady introducing him. Jeon reportedly told his close associates that he helped Yoon make the final decision to run for president and took on the role of mentor.
"Whenever Yoon needs to make a decision or resolve an issue, he asks for my advice, and I provide him with the answer," Jeon reportedly said to his friends.
Ein Aspekt der Aufarbeitung des Coups in Südkorea ist eine schamanistische Connection:
Wobei man dazu sagen muss, dass die meisten KoreanerInnen zwar ChristInnen sind, aber viele davon gleichzeitig immer noch für bestimmte Fragen Schamanen konsultieren. So verrückt wie das bei uns wäre ist das in Korea nicht.
Lässt du dich nicht von sibirischen Schamanen bezüglich deiner russenfreundlichen Umtriebe beraten?
Widerspruch kommt von - Achtung - Teilen der CDU:
CDU-Sozialflügel und Linke gegen Lohnstreichung am ersten Krankentag
Nach Ansicht des Allianz-Chefs sollen Arbeitnehmer für den ersten Krankheitstag keinen Lohn mehr erhalten. Der Sozialflügel der CDU und die Linkspartei lehnen das ab.
Die Arbeitnehmervereinigung in der CDU hat sich dagegen ausgesprochen, die Lohnfortzahlung am ersten Krankheitstag zu streichen. "Dieser Vorschlag ist gänzlich inakzeptabel", sagte der Vorsitzende Dennis Radtke dem Tagesspiegel. Er sprach von einer "Kultur des Misstrauens gegenüber allen Arbeitnehmern" und einem "Klassenkampf von oben". Menschen mit kleinen Einkommen würden sich dann krank zur Arbeit schleppen und andere gefährden...
Oberst Roderich zählt Erbsen und ein verkappter Faschist gratuliert ihm dazu:
Das ändert natürlich alles!
Alles anzeigen[...] The lack of rain this winter has extended the fire season in Southern California. Since Oct. 1, the beginning of the water year, downtown Los Angeles has received 0.16 of an inch of rain — a tiny fraction of the average 4.64 inches that the area gets by this point in the season. The dry brush paired with extreme winds created a catastrophic scenario.
The National Weather Service has warned of a “particularly dangerous situation” continuing across the San Gabriel Mountains, Beverly Hills and Hollywood Hills, coastal areas adjacent to the Sepulveda Pass, the Santa Monica Mountains, Malibu and eastern Ventura County. The weather service issued the same warning about a month ago when the Franklin fire ignited and spread rapidly in Malibu. It went on to burn more than 4,037 acres, destroy 20 structures and damage 28 more.
This type of red flag warning is expected to occur, on average, once every three to five years. But the National Weather Service office in Oxnard has issued three such warnings this fire season.
Ariel Cohen, the meteorologist in charge of the NOAA/National Weather Service in Oxnard, said the winds that swept through the Los Angeles region were more powerful than the 2011 winds that caused serious damage in Pasadena, Altadena and other San Gabriel Valley neighborhoods.
“The winds far surpass 2011 in magnitude, in coverage, in destruction,” Cohen said. “They’ve also been accompanied by a wildfire outbreak, a complete apocalyptic scene across the greater Los Angeles area. It’s a catastrophic situation. This is an extraordinarily rare, once-in-every-couple-decades kind of windstorm.” [...]
Einfach n bissl Matsch nehmen. Was ist das Problem?
Einfach n bissl Matsch nehmen. Was ist das Problem?
"Drain the swamp"?
"Drain the swamp"?
Some deep shit, man.
"Drain the swamp"?
"DeRefund the Police"!
(also climate change...)
“The consistent defunding of other city programs in order to give the LAPD billions a year has consequences,” said a local activist.
Alles anzeigen[...] In June, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass signed an adopted $12.8 billion budget that cut the fire department’s funding by more than $17.5 million, or around 2 percent of the previous year’s budget of $837 million. It was the second-largest departmental operating cut to come out of the city’s 2024-25 fiscal year budget, which shaved funding from the majority of city departments — but not the police. The Los Angeles Police Department received a funding bump of nearly $126 million. The LAFD makes up about 6 percent of the city’s expense budget; the LAPD receives 15 percent of the funds.
“What is currently happening and unfolding is what we have been warning about,” said Ricci Sergienko, a lawyer and organizer with People’s City Council LA. “The consistent defunding of other city programs in order to give the LAPD billions a year has consequences, and these elected officials do actually have blood on their hands. The city is unprepared to handle this fire, and Los Angeles shouldn’t be in that position.” [...]
A spokesperson for Los Angeles’s chief auditor, City Controller Kenneth Mejia, said that the most recent LAFD budget cuts included a reduction in sworn payroll, reduced funds for operating supplies, and cuts to 58 positions. In December, the Board of Fire Commissioners sent a report to Bass and the City Council outlining how the funding cuts had adversely impacted the department’s crucial services.
“The Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) is facing unprecedented operational challenges due to the elimination of critical civilian positions and a $7 million reduction in Overtime Variable Staffing Hours,” wrote Fire Chief Kristin Crowley. “These budgetary reductions have adversely affected the Department’s ability to maintain core operations, such as technology and communication infrastructure, payroll processing, training, fire prevention, and community education.”
The LAFD’s Fire Prevention Bureau, for instance, had six of its roles cut and its overtime hours reduced. Crowley wrote that the decrease in overtime hours created an “inability to complete required brush clearance inspections, which are crucial for mitigating fire risks in high-hazard areas.”
While most departments received cuts, LAPD’s budget continues to bloat, and Mejia has pointed to overspending on police liability claims as one major source of the city’s deficit. The city spent more than double its annual liability payouts budget in the first six months of this fiscal year, with the LAPD leading the spending at more than $100 million in legal settlements. Recent payouts include a $17.7 million settlement with the family of a mentally disabled man who was fatally shot by an off-duty officer inside a Costco, and a $11.8 million payout to a man who sustained a traumatic brain injury in a car accident when an LAPD detective ran a red light. [...]
DeRefund the Police"!
(also climate change...)
LA Gave More Money to Cops While Cutting Fire Budgets. Now It’s Burning.
“The consistent defunding of other city programs in order to give the LAPD billions a year has consequences,” said a local activist.
Das macht aber tatsächlich Sinn, da in den USA (und ich glaube speziell auch in Kalifornien) in der Vergangenheit bei Großbränden auch immer Gefängnisinsassen für nen Dollar Stundenlohn an die Feuerfront geschickt wurden. Aber klar, Kommunisten verstehen die Kalkulation dahinter natürlich nicht.
off topic:
Es gibt ja schon so vorher / nachher Luftbilder. Nur der Kontrollverlust der sich allmächtig Wähnenden ist die Basis des Nachrichtenwerts. Sonst könnte ma ja gleich Bilder aus Gaza posten.
In Virginias Hauptstadt haben etwas widrigere Winterbedingungen derweil die Wasserversorgung lahmgelegt:…s-happen-virginia-2011769
ZitatAlles anzeigenHow Did Richmond's Water Crisis Happen?
Residents of Richmond, Virginia, have faced multiple days without running water after a winter storm caused failures at a treatment plant.
Why Did Richmond Experience A Water Outage?
The water outage came as a result of a winter weather storm-related loss of power that impacted the city's water reservoir system, causing it to malfunction, a statement from the City of Richmond said on Monday.
According to reports, the storm knocked out the plant's power at around 7:30 a.m.
Delays to repair efforts were also caused by an electrical panel failure at the water treatment plant Tuesday afternoon, it was reported.
ZitatAlles anzeigenWhy Did Richmond's Backup Systems Fail?
According to local reports, the plant's backup generators turned on, but a battery backup and a redundant system failed, resulting in damage to the IT system.
The reasons Richmond's backup systems failed are to be investigated.
"One of the things that we're looking into is why the fail-safe systems and the redundant systems didn't work. Because you shouldn't have this kind of problem," said Virginia Department of Health's Office of Drinking Water Director Dwayne Roadcap, as reported by WTVR.
Roadcap also said there had been "noncompliance" with some regulations which was "part of the reason" behind the issues.
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