An Tag 2 des Ukrainekrieges wurde mir gesagt, ich solle gefälligst mal bei Herfried Münkler nachlesen. Er hat es definitiv nicht auf meine Bucket List geschafft...
Kubicki reagiert angefasst, weil das ZDF die FDP-Säule auf die zweite Seite gepackt hat (btw: *kicher*):
Britische Umfrage (https://redfieldandwiltonstrat…olds-know-what-d-day-was/).
Ob wir wohl auch den längsten Balken hätten, wenn man die Frage bei uns stellt?
ZitatMexico’s elite struggles to comprehend left’s landslide election win
Wealthy are out of touch with the majority of ordinary people, critics say
Das ist ja der Sinn der Übung.
In jedem Fall so sieht das dann aus:
ZitatThe day after Mexico’s leftwing ruling party Morena won a landslide victory in presidential, congressional and state elections, one executive stayed in bed all afternoon eating ice cream to try to cope.
A wealthy woman in Mexico City told friends it was time to “move to the house in Houston”, while another business leader said his WhatsApp chats were marked by a mood of “collective suicide”.
ZitatBillionaire Ricardo Salinas Pliego, a prominent government critic, said the opposition had to accept the results, but also struck a more ominous note as he warned that the winners should not act vengefully. They did not have the right to “barbecue the bodies of the losing players”, he said.
“I had to go back to bed on Monday afternoon,” said one executive from a business lobby group. “I just realised: I don’t understand my country at all.”
ZitatOne meme posted in a 35,000-strong Facebook group supporting Gálvez vowed to stop tipping waiters, donating to victims of natural disasters or giving money to people who help park your car because “they voted for Morena, so Morena should support them now”.
A litigation lawyer called the country “Moronstan”, while another disappointed voter called for a national strike and a recount. One user shared on Facebook a meme with a picture of revolutionary hero Emiliano Zapata saying: “Mexicans, you make me sad that for a handout, a water tank, or a sheet roof you buy slavery.”
Emiliano Zapata? Wirklich?
The state of the world right now
ZitatBelgian PM resigns after crushing defeat by far right in general election
Alexander De Croo notified King Philippe on Monday morning, but will lead until a new coalition is formed
Also nicht die Europawahl.
ZitatThe Belgian prime minister has formally tendered his resignation following a visit to the King, after his Flemish Liberals and Democrats party (Open VLD) suffered heavy defeats in Sunday’s general election.
Alexander De Croo will remain caretaker prime minister until a new coalition, involving seven parties, is formed, a process that could take months.
ZitatA new government is likely to coalesce around the rightwing New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), which beat its arch-rival, the far-right Vlaams Belang, into second place in the key Dutch-speaking Flanders region where it had been predicted to top the polls.Rechtsaußen hat schlechter abgeschnitten als es die Erwartung war.
Polizeischule Aschersleben: 90 Schusswaffen verschwunden | MDR.DE
Ich liebe es wenn ein Staat funktioniert.
Also auch bei Aufwachen habe ich nie so genau hingeschaut, wenn es um die Journalisten geht. Muss man die kennen?
Ja, unterschreibe ich alles.
Wird sie aber natürlich nicht.
Genauso wenig, wie Spahn, csU-Verkehrsminister oder von der Leyen.
Das Berufspolitikertum macht die Demokratie zunichte.
Thermonukleares Waffenarsenal?
Ich kaufe ein "rump" und möchte lösen!Zonk!!!
Nach euren Einlassungen bin ich mir wirklich nicht sicher, ich dachte es wäre unser aller liebster Taurus (der Leopard wurde ja schnell abgelöst).
Habe nachgeschaut, gratuliere!
Jetzt mitmachen!
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