El Paso hat einen der schlimmeren Ausbrüche in Texas und wollte seine Geschäfte schließen, um die Epidemie in den Griff zu bekommen. Die texanische Regierung hat interveniert und sie haben den gerichtlichen Streit verloren:
Es gibt einen Bericht über die Situation, der besonders dramatisch klingt:
ZitatLAWANNA RIVERS: They did not aggressively treat them as they should have. And according to their staff, the doctors at that hospital wasn’t aggressive before COVID, but even with COVID. So, I saw a lot of people die that I feel like shouldn’t have died. Y’all, that assignment there broke me. I was put in what’s called a “Pit.” And in this Pit was eight patients, all COVID-positive. My first day of orientation, I was told that whatever patients go into the Pit, they only come out in a body bag. …
[...] And because they were COVID-positive, this hospital’s policy was they only get three rounds of CPR, which is only six minutes. This, out of all the codes that we had there, there’s not a single patient that made it. [...]
Wobei der Arzt, den Democracy Now dazu befragt, diesen Bericht nicht glauben wollte, allerdings hat er dort auch keinen Einblick:
ZitatDR. EMILIO GONZALEZ-AYALA: So, I am in private practice. Although I have privileges at University Medical Center, I don’t practice there, so I cannot speak to the situation at UMC. I haven’t been there in a while. I am familiar with the Facebook video that this nurse posted. I know my colleagues in UMC and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, which staff that hospital, very well. And I’m not sure that I can fully believe that account. These are very humane, very ethical, very professional physicians. I don’t see that really happening. I doubt it, but I haven’t been there.
Ergänzung: Das Vorgehen gegen Indianer in North Dakota, die versuchen ihre Gemeinschaften vor der Epidemie zu schützen, klingt auch ziemlich übel.
ZitatJODI ARCHAMBAULT: [...] Reservations or tribal nations, such as Eagle Butte, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and the Oglala Sioux Tribe, the Sisseton, Wahpeton, Rosebud, they’ve all installed roadblocks. They’ve all implemented roadblocks to stop traffic and outsiders from coming on the reservation. And the response to their action to protect tribal members, elders and the like was for the governor, Noem, to torture them and hold them hostage with funding. She has coordinated with the Trump administration to make it difficult to receive the federal resources that are allocated to the tribal governments, and have used that as a stick for them to try to force them to take the roadblocks down. And rather than supporting them and thanking them for trying to address the lack of health services available on the reservation, she has made it more and more difficult for people, for our tribes to protect ourselves.